solo smoking?

hey, im new to this site but im stoner at heart...

I usually smoke with my girlfriend and other friends and we all just throw down bud, its only at night and in the morning i smoke by myself, and right now im smoking a couple grams of Ak before i go to bed.... well lets get to the point of this thread, are you a solo smoker or a group smoker?

Personally i love smoking with other people, it takes the fun out of it when your alone.


Well-Known Member
I smoke alone unless there's other people there.

I also smoke socially except when I'm alone.


I usually like to toke it alone, though when i am chillin with some friends i love to get everyone as high as possible. why i smoke alone usually- if i didnt all my bud would be gone!


Well-Known Member
I love to smoke alone.. but prefer to smoke with my close friends.. nothings worse than smoking with people you don't really like that much.. I end up getting high and arguing with myself about how long is it socially acceptable to say "Well.. I'mma head on preciate the buzz.."


Global Moderator
Staff member
I like to smoke with close friends, but then again that first toke on Sunday morning is killer - I just cruse around the house & putter. Dont get shit done but I'm fuckn busy !


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

I normally smoke alone but the wife is usually with me, she rarely smokes. Occasionally I toke it up with a friend which is always more enjoyable than going solo.


New Member
It really don't matter to me, but when I'm with friends, I smoke my own joint, cause I take my time and smoke 'em like a ciggeret and really enjoy it. I take my time and don't like to be rushed like the puff puff pass thingy. I'll take a few hauls and chat abit and take a few more. Nice and relaxing and isn't that why we smoke?


Well-Known Member
SMoke with my 2 close friends i love it, nothing better than a big of good banter. I do smoke it on a night before bed sometimes but just dosnt seem as good onless your watching somthing funny like family guy or somthing lol


Well-Known Member
90% of the time i'm by myself considering i mostly just smoke before bed. However, it's best when smoking with your best bud


Active Member
i usually just pack up the bong with some dank and smoke alone but i also smoke with ppl too mostly my lil bro tho. doesnt rele matter if im alone or not as long as im high and got a good movie on or something haha