some advice pls on first grow??


Hi guys, haha so just a thx up front for your help... So it's my first grow and I'm growing in a old school trunk of mine, it's about 1 and a half meters tall and pretty wide. I got three 26 watt fluorescent light 6000 H each. So far I'm just growing in the bottom corner with good white lampshade over all the plants and the three lights inside... But now I only have three 5v fans which I took from my notebook laptop cooler or whatever... Haha so, I have drilled in a few holes in the side of the trunk for air and the fans not blowing directly on small plants but kina around lamp shade?? Cause they So weak could I just point the fans onto the plants? Oh ya and the trunk doors are often closed? I wish I could put a pics but don't knw how to... Haha but the plants look pretty healthy, so far... Haha New subscriber, long time viewer...:-) thx guys


Oh ok cool, and are a few drill holes on the side enough for air to get in (air circulation)? And my one seedling is struggling to kind of open, (grandaddy purple)... Well it's open but very small and dark colored and it myt be a little stunted as its smaller than the other plants? Small leaves...? Thx


Haha and I saw your video, nice plants man... And saw your plants were moving from the fan? But thx, wanted to see a positioning of a fan... :-)