Some advice pls:-)


So I have 2 plants growing very nicely under 120 / 150 watts of cfl.(proper watts not equivalent bull) around the plant... Gonna get more as soon as I get more cash... They growing in potting soil in 2 gallon containers. The one plant is showing pre-flowers, the calyx is small but sticking out nicely, (looks like tip of pencil, haha well kinda, but not circular at all) but no pistils yet. But I think this is because they still on 24/7 vegging. Haha so now down to the advice:-)?? So they've been vegging in my little white box now for about 40 days. Now they are getting pretty tall, I was and still am using cool white cfl's and have slowly been introducing warm white cfl for the red spectrum light as of the past week. So the lights are always as close as I can get them to the plant without obviously burning it... Think im only going to do warm white during flowering... The plants Are about a good 30cm (plus) ... Now moving them to my small trunk, the plants are probably at half height, so I'm thinking of putting them into flowering soon... I think I'm gonna go with the grow bible and try out the 24 hour dark period before the famous 12/12 to kickstart the flowering process... But now I'm scared of the one plant who hasn't shown any pre flowers, that the dark period could stress it and make it a gay hermie?? And last one, before my circulation in the box was pretty good as of temps at constant 76/80 degrees. But now my trunk is harder to get any sort of circulation going in there with a fan? Could this be ok? As at nyt time the lights will be on for 12 hours and then I'll beable to try get a fan blowing in there, but in the 12 hour dark period during the day I'll only have 3 SMall computer fans trying to circulate the air inside the trunk?? The light won't beable to penetrate the trunk?? And can i start giving flowering nutes after a week of flowering, read it somewhere but just want to hear what everyone else thinks?:-)And wen should i stop foliar feeding? When buds start showing??( so for no mold) Shot guys, and a thanks before hand for any help:-D.... Hahaha sorry about the essay :-)


Active Member
Doing the 24hrs of darkness won't turn the unknown one hermie, unless its of crappy descent. But if you are worried about it, don't do it. If any benefit comes from doing it, you may speed things up by a day or two if you're lucky.
You need as good or better ventilation during flower than you had during veg. But, if you can keep a fan on them while lights on, and the comp. fans are properly exchanging air during the dark period, you should be alright. Watch your humidity though. I saw no mention of it, but try to keep it below 60%.
I would stay on your veg nutes for the first 2 feedings after the switch. Then move to your flowering nutes. If you don't have good fans and ventilation in the flower box, I would stop foliar feeding now. But if you continue, try to stop once your buds are bigger than acorns.
And yes, double check your box for light leaks.
Good luck.