Some do and ohers don't?


Active Member
Why do some people get red eyes after they medicate and others don't? And why do others cough a ton and some very little? I prefer to smoke my herb, quick and easy but when I smoke with buddies some of them get red eyes and cough a ton, while I only have gotten it once (smoker for 3 years) and rarely cough.


Well-Known Member
The "red eye" is from lower ocular pressure and vascular widening...depending on how susceptible you are to those conditions, determines if you get it or not.

Coughing is another thing, depends on how well the weed is cured to remove the chlorophyll, and how susceptible a person is to have their throat irritated by inhaled smoke :)


Well-Known Member
nah i think that just happens when you smoke a lot for a while. My don't get red anymore either, no matter how much I smoke