Some of this shit's hilarious


Well-Known Member
the only help they need isfor them putting some shit like thaton the internet,'THATS SO RIDICULAS"


Just some idiot
I smoked pot and I did well in sports and school. The kids who get Ds are how many more times more likely to try pot...give me a break.

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Clearly lies. These were fabricated stories put online, so that when yongsters stumble across it when googleing pot, they will find that, and think weed is horrible.

Politcians are scared because they know that youth know that weed is mostley harmless, and its about as common and ciggerette smokers.

People smoke a joint after work like people have a beer after work. Its all bullshit. If it were even real people, its not the weed at all. Its why they are using it.


Just some idiot
Clearly lies. These were fabricated stories put online, so that when yongsters stumble across it when googleing pot, they will find that, and think weed is horrible.

Politcians are scared because they know that youth know that weed is mostley harmless, and its about as common and ciggerette smokers.

People smoke a joint after work like people have a beer after work. Its all bullshit. If it were even real people, its not the weed at all. Its why they are using it.


Well-Known Member
it wouldnt let me subment my storie i wrote big thing an it didnt post. fuckin people is right. there jus seeking pitty. i think we could all tell a sad storie but y wyine an blame it on the weed?


Well-Known Member
dude every 1 test ur brain lol this is messed up its under interactive brain hahahah
edit:wait it was lame


Just some idiot
Common myth

MJ kills brain cells


Alcohol kills brain cells, weed does not. From what I understand weed will put a resin type substance on your brain cell, you will recover those brain cells one day. This is why it is going to be used for alzheimer patients, it stunts the spread of the diesease. I hate these so called do gooders, stop the lying and start telling the truth.

I saw a post a while back from a report it stated something along these lines

If marijuana was discovered today it would be hailed as the new wonder drug of this century. But since it's been around for five thousand years and has had numerous propaganda campaigns aimed towards it, it will always be villified.


Active Member
Whatever happened to spanking your children? That seems to be whats really missing with those kids. I'm only 20, I'm sober as a bird right now (no drugs, alchohol or cigs for a LONG time) and I STILL say marijuana is a wonderful plant and is the best drug in the world, bar none (and I've done a lot of different drugs). It makes me so sad and depressed to see all these falsifications, half truths, and outright lies about a PLANT! It is a gift from our Earth, God, or whatever and we should continue to fight this bullcrap until we are all dead or locked up.


Active Member

You might be surprised to learn that marijuana contains the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco, and at higher concentrations. Smoking five joints a week is the equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes every day which, even in the short term, leads to lung and respiratory problems-wheezing, frequent chest colds and-yick!-a nasty phlegmmy cough. Long-term use increases the chances of tissue damage and lung cancer, and also causes changes in the brain similar to those caused by long-term use of cocaine and heroin. Back to Top

Several studies have linked marijuana use with poor school performance. It's harder to concentrate and retain information when you've been using pot, and every day of school is important to teens in their peak learning years. It should be no surprise that the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse found teens with a "D" average or below more than four times as likely to have used marijuana in the last year than those with an "A" average. You're more likely to drop out - or get kicked out - of school, or out of sports or other activities if you smoke marijuana. Back to Top

The likelihood of a car crash is increased by some of the immediate effects of smoking pot-longer reaction time, poor physical coordination, and impaired concentration. Marijuana also makes you more likely to do something stupid you might regret. Pot-smoking has been linked with risky sexual behaviors that increase the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Back to Top

We're all anxious enough about how we look without having to worry about the stained fingertips and teeth, stinking breath, and bloodshot eyes that come with smoking pot. People who smoke dope can look a little-well, skeazy. They might lose interest in their appearance. They can also get the munchies when they're high-and it's not exactly health food they binge on. They don't call that tire-shaped ring of flab around the middle of a pothead the "stoner's spare" for nothing. Back to Top

Marijuana use by teens-like the use of many other drugs-can make it harder to keep good relationships with your friends and family. Marijuana users can become loners or hang out with people who may not be a good influence, which means that if you already have good friends and a supportive family, you can grow apart from them or lose their trust. Back to Top

Smoking dope can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and paranoia-and those problems don't improve over time. And don't you know someone who can't do anything without getting high? That's because they're addicted. Sixty percent of teenagers in drug treatment programs are there because of marijuana. Back to Top

According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, kids who frequently use marijuana are almost four times as likely to commit a violent act-against either people or property-than those who don't. They're five times as likely to steal. So smoking marijuana can get you in trouble with the law and result in later problems like not being able to get a scholarship or a job. Back to Top

The people who profit from the $400 billion global drug business-and yes, marijuana is a big part of this business-are creep factor nine. They're criminals. If you're smoking pot, you could be the end-user of a product that may have been sold to help fund these people.
Okay, you now have the facts. Marijuana is riskier than you think.

Oh now I'm fucked!