Some Photos I Took : )


New Member
I'm sorry for the misconception. When I said Anglophile, I didn't mean I'm English....just that I am very sympathetic towards England as a whole. I was born in the USA.

I will say that there is quite a large English enclave living in Orlando. Quite a few who simply want the florida sunshine all year round. :wink:

Straight up G

New Member
I'm sorry for the misconception. When I said Anglophile, I didn't mean I'm English....just that I am very sympathetic towards England as a whole. I was born in the USA.

I will say that there is quite a large English enclave living in Orlando. Quite a few who simply want the florida sunshine all year round. :wink:
Yes Im sure, it is very enticing I have family in San Rafel CA and Laguna Beach CA I also think the US states and all the small towns within each one are amazing, at 22 I do not intend to live my life in the UK. Not quite so keen on George Bush though.bongsmilie


New Member
Don't worry, he retired. he also freed 50 million Iraqis when everyone said he couldn't and shouldn't. That's leadership by the way. Doing the right thing when the going gets tough..... :wink: He wasn't a "poll" President.


New Member
Well the oil if you remember was being funneled through the oil for food program which was of course heavily corrupted and lined Saddam's pockets instead of feeding ppl.

Now the oil belongs to the ppl of Iraq, and not simply the Baath party. That's a good thing. A vast improvement for the PPL.

Opium? ur thinking of Afghanistan.

No sweat Straight up (about the post).... but believe me,Bush did Iraq a HUGE favor. THEY appreciate it, even if liberals don't. But Bush didn't care about his popularity, he wanted to stop terrorism and give the ppl of Iraq a chance.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea i went looking around best buy on saturday
prices are decent there
i might just get a coolpix camera
until i can afford a rebel


New Member
Rebel is a great camera. All of the camera backs are pretty good in the DSLR category. Most of the difference in pic quality is in the lens. A kit lens is okay to start the one I'm using, but when I really need to nail a pic, I still use my 60's nikkormat because I own 5 very high quality lenses. That camera, while not digital will still deliver superior pictures.