some pot im growing


Active Member
I promise you, here and now, that you will regret doing this. Worst idea I've heard in a long time, buddy. The worst.


Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Hobo Bill is going to cash in on harvest time and buy himself a mansion w00 w00!
theyll never make it till harvest and as far as selling weed..... you're the reason I make money. growing and selling. that part I'd keep up the good work at! LOL


Active Member
This is funny, everyone razzing this, and he totally asked for it lmao
The plants look healthy but you may want to consider moving them to a more discreet area


Active Member
so.... do you really think the garbage guy isnt going to see those when he lifts the dumpster to dump into his truck????


Well-Known Member
its behind the dumpsters wall

probably where no one will be going except some kids possibly.hope no one jacks it!!!

good luck.

i would leave them but also start otheres in other locations just in case!

if you have 10 spots all spread out at least one of them should make it to harvest!


Well-Known Member
nothing bad could happen most likely if they get found they will just get stolen or killed.

plant more in other spots though if thats all youve got


Well-Known Member
im growing this shit behind my apartment dumpster.these are real pics i took them they are not from google search so dont try fucking with me.
i wouldnt worry to much about the garbage man seeing it... the meter reader sees mine every yr and im still here no big deall .... just watch those things close ... where ur at is good climate those 'll b good stuff man :leaf:


Active Member
thanx for all the good and the bad comments i see it as help.but plus im moving next month and ill just load them up with gonna be living in a house with a pond out back so im not worried.


Well-Known Member
:clap: Dude, I'm on my way to the dumpster to dig it up and transplant it behind the laundry room. Meet me out there in about 5 minutes. Bring me some quarters and some detergent.