Some shots of my small indoor garden(slymer, GG4, Valley Girl, '91 OG)


Well-Known Member
so the strains in the pictures from top to bottom are the first 2 are slymer, the next two are GG4, and the next 2 are '91 OG, and the last picture is a full garden shot


Well-Known Member
It is now days 49 and these ladies are pushing really hard i think ill probably give them another 12-14 days to finish we will see though....the strains in order of the pictures are the first two are 91 OG, the second two are gorilla glue 4, the next two are slymer, and the last shot is a full garden shot
'91 0g dripping day 49 flash.JPG '91 OG day 49.JPG GG4 day 49 flash.JPG super frost gg4 bud day 49.JPG Slymer day 49 HPS.JPG slymer day 49 flash.JPG garden shot day 49.JPG