some sort of remote/key chain temp device???

brett silva

Active Member
Thank you for opening my thread.

I will be starting only my second grow cycle in the next couple of months.

on my first cycle I ran 2 HPS 1000watters. This was during a VERY cold winter so I did not need an AC.

However, for my 2nd cycle. I will be adding 2 more (for a total of 4) HPS 1000 watters. I know I will have to add ducting/exaust and coolers to each of the 4 lights. I will also have to add some sort of AC unit. And the weather will be becoming warmer.

Here is my concern. I am worried about burning my house down. Not so much when I am home, however when I am not home. Is there some sort of product that I can keep on my keychain or in my Iphone that will alert me if my grow room gets too hot?

Thank you very much in advance!


Well-Known Member
I grew tomatoes indoors once with a 42watt cfl (never had experience with such high watts as u, nor even with growing any pot), but i still had the same concern about leaving hot lights on while i was not home. Really wasnt worried that the house would catch fire from a cfl, but was just worried that an electrical fire might start and burn house with my dog inside. But, just make sure you don't have anything highly flamable under or near the lights, and make sure your electrical wiring is safe/up to code. I couldnt see why you would have a problem. Regularly check on them when u rR home and u should be fine. I leave my house heater on when i'm not home, and its never burned my house down., and it has a pilot flame constantly going, uses thousands of watts, and getts hot, so it...Sounds like mild do everything you can to prevent a fire and you should be alright. get a smoke alarm in the room, too ($5 at lowes/walmart).

brett silva

Active Member
you are correct DrumBum. However, it really just would peace of mind for me. I freak out whenever I leave the house, AND i dont want to kill my cat :(

There has to be some kind of product like that, right?


Well-Known Member
You can get web cam security software like evo cam (for mac osx) which has a built in web can have a live feed to your room 24/ does send you alerts but only if motion is detected....but still a live feed that you can check anytime will give you some peace of mind.......

God Dam

you got the iphone.
you get yourself an ip camera.
set the camera in front of a thermometer in your room.
you can access for free the camera from anywhere securely via your
iphone. go to best buy or whatever and check out the panasonic ip camera.
pretty cool.

brett silva

Active Member
WOW!!! The response was OUTSTANDING!

Ok, startin with DrumBum: Thank you for your replys, all of your 411, and the amount of time you put into my thread. I appricate it very much.

JCD, cool man, i will look into this. This is very nice since I only use Apple's products anyway :)

God Damn: This is great. A beautiful idea. I am looking into this as we speak. Thank you very much

Mr Mad: Awesome, just checked out the link. This is very cheap for what it is :) I have an electritian buddy who can help me hook it up.

and from what Ive learned from all of you:

It looks like what I am EXACTLY looking for does not exsist. However, there are a couple that are pretty close. Right now its between the camera and the alarm. I will drop a thread here in the next couple of months to share with what I decided on and how it is workin out. THanks again guys


Well-Known Member
WOW!!! The response was OUTSTANDING!

Ok, startin with DrumBum: Thank you for your replys, all of your 411, and the amount of time you put into my thread. I appricate it very much.

JCD, cool man, i will look into this. This is very nice since I only use Apple's products anyway :)

God Damn: This is great. A beautiful idea. I am looking into this as we speak. Thank you very much

Mr Mad: Awesome, just checked out the link. This is very cheap for what it is :) I have an electritian buddy who can help me hook it up.

and from what Ive learned from all of you:

It looks like what I am EXACTLY looking for does not exsist. However, there are a couple that are pretty close. Right now its between the camera and the alarm. I will drop a thread here in the next couple of months to share with what I decided on and how it is workin out. THanks again guys

What? Only ME? FINE.

Here's what I use in my server rooms. Fairly cheap for what it does and uber reliable. I can't afford to have server rooms burn up any more than my grow rooms. ;)

They have real nice WiFi version as well-

brett silva

Active Member
What? Only ME? FINE.

Here's what I use in my server rooms. Fairly cheap for what it does and uber reliable. I can't afford to have server rooms burn up any more than my grow rooms. ;)

They have real nice WiFi version as well-
HOLY SH** MACGYVER 4Twamp! I think you might of NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant go 3.5 cuz I run Mac, however it looks like i can run the wifi version!!!!!!

how's the product working for you!!??


Well-Known Member
HOLY SH** MACGYVER 4Twamp! I think you might of NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant go 3.5 cuz I run Mac, however it looks like i can run the wifi version!!!!!!

how's the product working for you!!??

Like I said, great product, even if you only ran the USB version. I have a small PC in my grow room, (doesn't put out much heat or use much power, but the piece of mind via the tempalert is priceless. I know at all times what my temps are OR if power goes out and the lights don't come on as my PC and network are on a huge UPS. And I still get email alerts from the UPS saying the power is down,etc...

Good luck! :)


New Member
first off thanx brett for postin this.i never even thought to ask if there was sumthin like this. i figured going to work and living a normal lifestyle would always be a gamble. good lookin macguyver. now when i get the wifi shit goin i won't have to worrrie anymore. i have sumone right around my area that is always around and can fix whatever is goin wrong.

brett silva

Active Member
first off thanx brett for postin this.i never even thought to ask if there was sumthin like this. i figured going to work and living a normal lifestyle would always be a gamble. good lookin macguyver. now when i get the wifi shit goin i won't have to worrrie anymore. i have sumone right around my area that is always around and can fix whatever is goin wrong.

TheDude, I like your style :)


Well-Known Member
I can't afford to have server rooms burn up any more than my grow rooms. ;)
Small world :eyesmoke: I personally designed and manufactured that enclosure. It's definately not one of my best designs, but it's not very often I run across one in the real world. I call that enclosure my "coffin box". Small world, now I've got to see if I can get a sample board from them ;)

I just looked it up, I've been making that enclosure for him since April '05 AND pad-printing it too. I didn't know what it was though LOL.


Well-Known Member
I use one of these for around the house and then a couple out in my grow shed. Works great.

Taylor Wireless Thermometer with Remote Sensor

And I hate to say it but its at..., well for $30.00 bucks you can't beat this.
OK it's at walmart,,,,,,,

and I know you said for a keychain or for an ipod.

Just something a few of us found helpful



Ok.. so I am a nubbie, but here is what I did. I already had an Oregon Scientific weather station in my yard, (wmr200) I went online and bought an additional wireless remote sensor for $50 and put it in the flower room. I use Virtual Weather Service software Internet version already, so it was just a matter of setting up alarms for high temp, low temp. The wireless sensor also gives me humidity so I set up alarms for that as well. The alarms send me an email if they are activated. Simple, and I only have $50 in the system as I already had the weather station. You can add up to 10 remote sensors up to 300 feet away with this system.

Added bonus is that I can monitor my temps from any computer in the house, live. I like that during flowering as I worry too much about the temps and such being a nubbie. lol