Someone invested in my grow: how much ought I give him in return?

brewing up

Well-Known Member
if they put 150 and u put 300 he should get third (1/3) but considering its your grow and you taking the risks and paying electric give him 1/5 of the yield and thats a good gesture lol


Active Member
Just think how many people he has told about YOUR grow.." I have a freind who is growing Super weed".. he tells everyone to be cool. I would give him a 1/3 tell him you stopped.. even shut down for a few


Well-Known Member
one third. and continue to hook him up for a while. you own the equip..........what does he get? give him more than what he deserves. peace of mind.


I would return his 150 in cash. split the grow 50/50 on the understanding. that u both do yr own thing from now on.
Where is the thread started, Economysleven? Just curious how things are going. I had the same thing happen when I first started indoors.

Hi guys, I've read all the posts and there are a lot of varied opinions, which is good.

I've been speaking with him recently to discuss the potential yield and before I accepted his money a few months back, I promised to return at least 3x his investment, currency exchanged to THC. Now that's barely more than 2oz, which is brilliant for me, but I'd feel disingenuous not to have this discussion, hence the thread and my uncertainty. I've known him for two years, a heavy smoker, and to those who say I've broken the number 1 rule: I've broken it on dozens and dozens of occasions to those I trust will keep it in confidence. That, in hindsight, was a stupid decision I'll admit, but the likelihood of these people snitching is non-existent. All of these people are my friends and close acquaintences.

As for the risk and responsibility argument: when first starting the grow I became increasingly paranoid; I would pick up on every single siren passing by my neighbourhood each day, trying to distinguish whether it was an ambulance or a police car. My stress levels rose sharply, in other words. I paid for the electricity costs, did the hand-watering, and it was at my place.

Now, a third of the harvest will be at least 4oz. I'm going to be honest and say I'd rather give him 3, [SUP]3[/SUP]/[SUB]4[/SUB] of which he will sell to essentially make 4x the money he put into it, excluding the 21g he'll be left with.

Thanks for the input.


Ursus marijanus
Hi guys, I've read all the posts and there are a lot of varied opinions, which is good.

I've been speaking with him recently to discuss the potential yield and before I accepted his money a few months back, I promised to return at least 3x his investment, currency exchanged to THC. Now that's barely more than 2oz, which is brilliant for me, but I'd feel disingenuous not to have this discussion, hence the thread and my uncertainty. I've known him for two years, a heavy smoker, and to those who say I've broken the number 1 rule: I've broken it on dozens and dozens of occasions to those I trust will keep it in confidence. That, in hindsight, was a stupid decision I'll admit, but the likelihood of these people snitching is non-existent. All of these people are my friends and close acquaintences.

As for the risk and responsibility argument: when first starting the grow I became increasingly paranoid; I would pick up on every single siren passing by my neighbourhood each day, trying to distinguish whether it was an ambulance or a police car. My stress levels rose sharply, in other words. I paid for the electricity costs, did the hand-watering, and it was at my place.

Now, a third of the harvest will be at least 4oz. I'm going to be honest and say I'd rather give him 3, [SUP]3[/SUP]/[SUB]4[/SUB] of which he will sell to essentially make 4x the money he put into it, excluding the 21g he'll be left with.

Thanks for the input.
I like it. I agree with the Scroglodyte. Be generous this time ... and next time, do it as an independent. cn


Well-Known Member
Harvest is just around the corner and having put in 150 from a total of 450 spent to get it going, what %age of the grow is a fair share for my associate?

The yield I expect will fall somewhere between 300g and 500g since it's a 600w grow. Based on what I'm drying right now, I'm fairly certain it's on the low side. He intends to sell 3/4 of his share.

if he put in the 150 then I would make him trim with you and give him 25%


Well-Known Member
lol hank....I have had a few partners and it was always a 50/50 split...but I put up zero money and do the work.


Well-Known Member
Partnering up is always difficult..always make sure the terms are understood at the beginning,and Always be willing to take a hit at the end to keep the peace because you never know how things are going to turn out. I gave a friend 2 lights and some other stuff(timers,powerstrips,etc) with the understanding I'd get at least an OZ out of his grow.. well after his AC died and bug problems he didn't yield anywhere near what he expected.. then tried selling me my OZ saying he needed to make back his initial investment and he'd make it up next round..ya right..we managed to work things out but only because I was able to say "this is what our agreement was so stick to it"...


Well-Known Member
Stick to the original agreement for 3x1/3 investment. what he does with it is not for you
to be concerned with.


Active Member
Hi guys, I've read all the posts and there are a lot of varied opinions, which is good.

and to those who say I've broken the number 1 rule: I've broken it on dozens and dozens of occasions to those I trust will keep it in confidence. That, in hindsight, was a stupid decision I'll admit, but the likelihood of these people snitching is non-existent. All of these people are my friends and close acquaintences.

Thanks for the input.
To funny,, my sides Hurt


Well-Known Member
I call this reverse fronting. Give him a fat Z and call it good.

unless you work it out before hand. friends/family and business dont mix. someone always feels like they got the short end of the deal.


Well-Known Member
To funny,, my sides Hurt
Yep, "dozens and dozens of times" is enough to invite trouble. Hell I've been known to piss off a few friends on occasion. It happens. Its an age old problem. When "friends" know that you grow, they expect to be turned on for nothing. After all their thinking is "You didnt pay nuthin for it" Before you know it, your giving your shit away, its all out there, now you're running low and they could give two shits. And the topper is, as soon as you realize that you have to cut the rope somewhere, then you're a rotten no good prick. It is a straight up no win situation.

Get this one squared up with more than he deserves, then put out the word that you gave up growing for whatever made up reason. You'll have better piece of mind for it. Growing for personal use doesnt need to be any more than a one person operation.