Someone please help. . . pest problem

My soil seems to be infested with very small, jumpy blue looking fly things. i have searched far and wide and cant find info on them any where . they dont seem to bother my plants, but i just dont want them causing problems. My soil is quite dry i know this is bad for pest infestation but the drainage isnt to good so like it being a bit dry or nutes get locked out too easily.


Well-Known Member
They are soil gnats. They won't cause you much problems, but their larvae will, as they eat roots. I use Hot Shot No Pest strips from Lowes. Somepeople will tell you they are dangerous, and I guess they are, if you plan on working in your grow room for more than 4 hours per day ;p
if they are little flys then it could definitely be gnat flys, which lay eggs in the soil and they hatch and feed on the roots.
or it could be thrips, they are jumpy but they are white.
Alot of fellas just use some detergent and water and spray it on the soil and plant, also one fella on here suggested that you get some lemon juice, detergent, water in a little bowl and place it in the grown room, the flys will lay their eggs in it and the eggs will die and the flys will eventually bugger off and die.