Someone please tell me if I am paranoid!!!

On March 30th, I germinated 30 seeds (three tomato strains, x 10 seeds each). They were placed into Jiffy Peat Pots for outdoor guerrilla transplant. My wife knows nothing about it, however, she does know what the helicopters are for. Three or fours years back (when I had nothing going on horticulturally), a chopper was circling when we were both outside getting some sun. She asked, "what are they doing?" I told her police helicopters circle with FLIR cameras to take heat scans with the purpose of finding grow operations.

Two days ago, Saturday the 16th, she came inside and said "one of those police helicopters is circling our house". It was dusk but there was still some decent sunlight. I went outside and checked out the circling chopper. I just shook it off with no worries, although in the attic was a 75 watt grow light (Walmart cheapo veg light, 17 watt equivalent) sitting on top of the Jiffy dome (covered with tin foil). Just not enough watts or light leakage to worry about.

My wife is a nurse and I run a small ink business out of my house. Today she has the day off and as she stepped out of the shower she looked out the bathroom window to see a man pacing and talking on his cell phone in the back yard. We have no direct neighbors to the South facing that window, so she does not normally worry about peepers. She hurried to cover herself and alerted me to the man.

The man paced the edge of my South property line for 30 minutes talking on the phone, holding a clipboard. When he finally hung up the phone, he starting writing on his clipboard and inspecting my electrical box (which has never been altered or inspected as far as I know). Since he was now 5-8 feet inside my property line, I stepped out back with my coffee to get the story.

I walked towards the man and said, "What is going on out here?" He then identified himself as an inspector for the local electrical utility. He wore no hard hat, orange vest, or other visible electrical company ID. I started asking more questions, and the man showed me his clipboard with electrical company paperwork. I identified one of the sheets of paper as a checklist for the electrical box (not my individual meter, which was not inspected). He informed me that his truck was parked "up the street".

I did very little talking, mostly asking questions. His job was to inspect the boxes, locks, etc. My electrical box is not level and tilts at a 20 degree angle. I moved into the house in 2003 and the box has always been caddywhompus. I always assumed the dirt settled the box at a funny angle, not that it was installed in such a poor fashion. The man in my yard told me that he thought my box was in need of leveling and that rodents or animals could have caused the severe angling of my box. I said, "do what you need to do then". He took a picture of the box with what looked like a new Android smartphone.

From there, the man went back to his truck and pulled it up the road directly in front of my house, almost as if to tell me "see, my truck is official". When he got out of the truck, he had on his hard hat and continued to check other electrical boxes in the neighborhood. He spent a minimum of 45 minutes around my box. I took out my phone at this time and took pictures of his truck, license plate, etc from one of my second floor windows.

The electrical box "check" was approximately 36 hours after the circling helicopter. NO ONE knows about my tomato plants.

Tell me, am I paranoid or should I be concerned here? Honestly, I can blow off the initial helicopter as standard procedure (or waste of tax payers dollars) however, the electrical box check 36 hours after the circling helicopter put me on a level 10 high alert. I have removed all seedlings and placed them on public land until I can get to them later.

The only thing that I can think of is that I visited two hydro shops in the last few weeks. Were they staked out? All other supplies were ordered online in "private browser" mode, not using a proxy server.

Thoughts and suggestions?
have you thrown away any growing supplies that might draw the attention of trash people? they get paid to alert authorities


Well-Known Member
i doubt you have anything to worry about, I get them circling above my place all the time.....I doubt the hydro shop was staked out and if it was they would be looking for guys buying tons of items not just stuff for two or three plants, but tens and hundreds....imho

d burg

I highly doubt hydro shops are staked out.

Unless you grow indoors and your electricity usage is significantly higher now than when you weren't growing, I wouldn't be all that concerned.
once a year our electric company sends out letters to let you know how usage is and how it is compared to homes around it, mine says i use 25% more electricity than similar homes in the area.


Well-Known Member
even if it is there are many reasons that your bill could go up....a new appliance a new pool renovations, its if you don't pay your bill, and get shut off that fucks ya......with the amount of people that use hydro think of the logistics of trying to track individual usage and changes therein....
I highly doubt hydro shops are staked out.

This article is from 2009 and I have no doubt that the tactic has expanded if it is legal for the police to do. Also, I did not want to mix stories, but I personally saw a police car parked in a repair shop parking lot a few blocks away from the local hydro shop. I know the cop cameras are on all the time, and this parking position had a perfect top-down view on all vehicles and plate numbers driving the side road. I drove right by the hydro shop on this occasion.

Step 1: Stake out undercover officer at local hydro shop and run plates.
Step 2: Send out chopper for a FLIR scan.
Step 3: Send out local electrical utility for a personal inspection while reviewing electrical usage.
Step 4 ???

Honestly, all the cops have to do is get an "anonymous tip" about the house right now. I think the events above are just too coincidental to be random.


Well-Known Member
run like fuck, no sorry man a flir aint going to pick thatlight up,, 10 grand a day to keep a chopper like that in the air, dont think they are looking for you. i get paranoid toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
listen man i can tell ya right now u have nothing to worry about
they are not gonna even waste their time unless they know your growing tons of pot
theres too much money , time and effort to waste on you no offense
to waste on any of us UNLESS were growing tons of pot
dont worry man do what u do its all good


Well-Known Member
Yup, you're paranoid. But then again, it's good to be paranoid, keeps ya outta trouble. If they're going outdoors guerilla style, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Are you trying to say my initial paranoia is legitimate, but that the cops will find nothing and no warrant will be issued? Or are you saying the chopper and the electrical inspection within 36 hours of each other is pure coincidence and I am all around mind-f'ing myself?


Well-Known Member
:wall: a single 75w lamp is not going to cause any suspicion... as 75w is a rather common lamp size for light bulbs people use in there attics...

and you REALLY shouldnt be worrying too much, Kyllo Vs. The United States* clearly states that any and all evidence obtained by remote sensing devices (such as FLIR) is inadmissable in a court of law, UNLESS the law agency in question has obtained the proper warrants beforehand. In other words, they cant take pictures of your house or private property using FLIR unless they already had a warrant in the first place to take the images... it violates the 4th ammendment as a unreasonable invasion of privacy.
so in laymans terms, if the po po be takin picturers of your house using flir... your already fucked, there just stacking the cards against you before they go in!

i seriously wouldnt worry about it....

and FYI- utillity companies hire subcontractors to do there inspections, often the subs do not have any official badges or ID other than the work orders they are issued for the day...

In 2001, the United States Supreme Court decided that performing FLIR surveillance of private property (ostensibly to detect high emission grow lights used in clandestine marijuana farming) without a search warrant by law enforcement violates the Fourth Amendment's protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001)[3]


Active Member
Come on. Cops pay people to narc on everyday people's trash? No way! I call bs on that one.

Anyway, You are absolutely over reacting. There is nothing to worry about as long as you:

1. Tell No One
2. Eliminate smell


Well-Known Member
are you sure they were watching you ???? i would have grabbed binoculars and checked them out. if they were i imagine it would be obvious that their camera is focused on you and your house. i think that the dude in the neighborhood checking meters is a little weird after it. but it could just be a routine sweep of your 'hood' so dont fret little one. everything is ok till they are at your door.

tell your wife.


Well-Known Member
To the people who say this gentleman has nothing to worry about...

If he owns (or paying for) his house, car, boat, RV, motorcycles, furniture...he has everything to worry about. The value of the Marijuana seized is very small compared to the assets that come with a successful raid.

All you "small time" growers have everything to worry about. It takes only one plant to have everything taken away from you, even in your "legal" states. Thinking otherwise is simply delusional.

I wont even get into not telling your wife. You already have enough to worry about.