something a bit different experiment to lower N in soil with other plants


Well-Known Member
ok so i ran this soil mix on my last grow, which was my first grow, and it was completely botched.
I misunderstood everything about organics and made every mistake possible ha oh well you live you learn,

However seen as I had to wait for my properly calculated super soil to cook and was running out of weed i thought i would try another grow using the recycled soil from the first attempt

i realized id encounter problems again... so i guess i am just using this to learn and try things out

so its on day 25 from seed and was looking real healthy until about a week ago.. (pics below) recently transplanted into its final container containing 50%base bio bizz all mix/50% botched soil mix

so as you can see its turned a lot darker green and the leaf tips are no longer pointing straight up they look kind of limp and leaves feel a dry kind of texture, i think a sign of way too much N in my mix (please correct me if i am wrong). these signs are pretty the same as what i saw on the first attempt. so i presume its hit the botched soil layer...

so instead of just leave i am using it as a chance to experiment, i did some research and found a site that said planting nitrogen hungry plants in you garden can help lower the N content this seems fairly obvious when you think about it... so i thought id try experiment with this and throw some salad leaves seeds in my pot and see what happens....

i will update if there is any changes obv this will be a slow process. also for a more immediate response may plant a already grown salad plant in there and see what happens maybe

anyone tried either of these methods before....

peace from the u.k bailwah bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I havent updated for a while nothing has seemed to change if anything shes got darker the salad is growing bigger but not affecting anything yet will keep updated.



Well-Known Member
Your plants look fine. It's when they get that down clawing look with burnt tips is when your in a lil trouble with organics but yours aren't bad at all.

Try using a brew with good bacteria and that will help straighten things out some if you got exp. with that. If not its super easy to brew. I use OGBIOWAR for bacteria but there are lots of other stuff out there.


Well-Known Member
cheers for reply the organic, interesting, i thought they do seem to be handling the soil better, some burnt tips are starting to show now though, and the older leaves do fold down on the tips a bit, interesting idea with the bacteria brew, i will try it once i have the stuff needed. are you sure the pics arent deceiving you because the green is a very dark almost racing green, and she dose not look lush and healthy apart from new growth.

again thanks for your reply
bailwah bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it might just be me but the new growth seems to stay a much lusher green for longer
this could be sign of the salad starting to absorb some of the nitrogen i cant really say for sure though I just dont have the experience to tell for certain.

heres some updated pics also you can see the burn on the leaf tip sorry its a bit blurry


