Something is killing my plants


Active Member
ok so i have a small PC grow going on atm, i'm just using it as a early veg chamber. I have a 105w 5000k light on it right now, with a fan blowing inward. they are all in red beer cups, and about a week and a half old.

since a few days after they sprouted, most of the plants have taken on a slightly purple tone on some of the leaves, which on some leaves progresses until it's yellowed and they turn crispy, but on all of these plants, there is still continual growth, all the new leaves look green as they can be.

I haven't given them any nutes yet and i'm using MG organic soil(only kind of organic soil i could get in my town). I know the problem isn't the heat as i check it many times daily and it's never hot enough to cause any problems, will be getting a digital thermometer soon.

the only thing i could think of is i didn't put any drainage holes into the cups, today i cut some slits out of the bottom, and they all drained pretty well, so i'm hoping that's it.

P.S. the strains i'm growing is 4 disel ryders and 1 sensi star, and on one of the diesel ryders(which is an auto flowering strain) it looks like it already has a bud at less than two weeks. i know sometimes new growth is mistaken for buds, but it even has hair-looking things growing out of the side of it. I had to leave them in the dark for almost 2 days cuz my parents in law were in town(this was only 3 days ago), could this have caused it to start budding early?



Well-Known Member
drill wholes in the bottom of the cups man your plans have no 02 at the the roots maybe a little hydrogen peroxide. YOur in for a long grow man read the FAQ and ever post you have time for and implement the techniques posted here or your going to be disappointed well good luck hope they turn around


Active Member
i water them whenever i stick my finger in the soil a little and it's all dry, which is about every 2 or 3 days. also, anyone have any idea if that could actually be a bud at the top? i noticed they already have a odor to them, so who knows, hopefully, the drainage was my problem, i'm also going to be giving them some 1/4 strength bio-grow i have

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
let them dry and ween them onto nutes...remember last week of harvest stop nutes and flush with water so they dont taste all nutey


Active Member
as to the time released nutes, i was under the impression Organic soil meant there was no nutes in it. there's no mention of plant food or fertilizer on the soil, so i figured it would be ok.


Active Member
Well i have some bio-biss and bio-grow, the bio-grow has lots of phopshorous in it, which from my reading is what i think might be causing the problems. i'm going to give it a few days to see if my cutting drainage holes helps them perk up, if not, i'm gonna give them a dose of the P ferts, hoping it will perk them up


Active Member
ok so the day after cutting the drainage holes and they still seem to be doing ok, still some more yellowing/purpling of some of the affected leaves, but still new growth on all the plants. I'm almost certain i have 2 baby ryders with buds on top, so at least i know they are female. hopefully these babies will perk up, if not, i'll be starting over soon, won't bother with transplanting from little cups, will just plant them in their big container to begin with


Active Member
well I'm about 100% sure it's a bud(and i say this because i can clearly see the beginnings leaves and then the bud next to it, that is getting more and more swollen every day), will wait a day or so and get a shot when it's bigger


New Member
It's not going to be a bud, it's too early. Your plant is still an infant. It'll be new growth, the next set of leaves, these should have 5 blades on them.


Well-Known Member
be aware of gnats/flies. I am using Organic Choice as well and there is little flying fuckers crawling out my soil when I turn off my fan.


Active Member
well i'm still pretty sure it's a bud, as it's already grown too large to be a stem or leaves, but time will tell. does anyone have an experience with Phosphorous deficiency? i'm pretty sure that's the problem, as the veins of my leaves are purple/red, and so are the hairs(or at least what i think are the hairs, there's two of them at the base of each node, and 4 or 6 coming out of the (prospective) bud)


Active Member
Should i wait till their next watering to feed them their nutes? or would it be ok to go ahead and give it to them, don't want to have problems with over watering on top of whatever else is wrong


Well-Known Member
a combo of nute burn and overwatering on young plants you should only be watering ever three or four days and your cups need to drain


Active Member
i'm pretty sure i don't have nute burn yet. i haven't added any, and the percentages listed in the soil bag said it was about .03% for N-P-K so i don't have to worry about that i dont think. I've been reading up alot on the subject and i am pretty sure the problem is that from not having holes in the bottom of my cups, it caused water to build up at the bottom(when i cut them, lots of dirty water came out) which caused a deficiency of P. Also like i said, i never water more than every 3 days, and i check below the soil to make sure it's dry before watering, though i made an exception to give them a dose of some bloom ferts i had at 1/4 strength, here's hoping it works