South Florida in ground growing


New Member
I am starting to grow another batch of plants, but instead of putting them into large containers, I would like to plant them in the ground. I had placed them outside ( in large pots ) around my patio and they got direct sunlight 11 hours a day. They did not thrive well. I then moved them to the front of my house ( hidden behind hibiscus plants and getting mostly shade, and they thrived very well.
Now, I am planning to plant a few in the ground in the same place. Is this a good idea? Also, remember, here in S Fl, out daytime temps are around 90 degrees with degrees....with pm rain.
Plants around the patio did not thrive well, and developed root rot..... any ideas? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I am starting to grow another batch of plants, but instead of putting them into large containers, I would like to plant them in the ground. I had placed them outside ( in large pots ) around my patio and they got direct sunlight 11 hours a day. They did not thrive well. I then moved them to the front of my house ( hidden behind hibiscus plants and getting mostly shade, and they thrived very well.
Now, I am planning to plant a few in the ground in the same place. Is this a good idea? Also, remember, here in S Fl, out daytime temps are around 90 degrees with degrees....with pm rain.
Plants around the patio did not thrive well, and developed root rot..... any ideas? Thanks
If it's root rot, the soil is not draining well. Dig down and mix in something to make the soil looser, more aerated. Also you could build up a raised bed with good soil, just enough so the top of the roots and bottom of stalks are in the good soil, and the roots can get down into the lower soil to stretch out more. It doesn't need to be too high of raised bed. 6" with some 2x6 should be good. Also, you can use fabric pots filled with good soil and bury the bottom inch or two. The roots will grow through the bottoms of the pots into the ground.


Well-Known Member
I know there are huge greenhouse medical grows south of miami, but I have no idea how they do it.