Spectre's 1st Grow- Green House Big Bang/Hawaiian Snow


Active Member
hey keep a close on the big-bang...you may wanna tie it down (take it from me...i did a big bang grow) those things can easily reach 5-6 feet indoors even though ghs claims its only 20% sativa...it will matter on the pheno you get...some indica...some sativa...i did 6 plants and 4 were sativa dominant.


I'll try and get another good shot tonight with my roommate's htc incredible (has an 8MP camera), but here's one in the meantime.


it's really hard to not open the door and look at her every 5 minutes to marvel at her. She grows every day and each morning I wake up I can tell she grew taller and wider, and more hairs are popping up on each bud site.

just did some reading on unsulphured molasses and how it can help in swelling buds because it's an excellent source of carbs for microbes, but I can't find any good articles that discuss it's use along with regular nutrients like Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Molasses is high in Potassium so will feeding 1 tsp of molasses along with the regular schedule of Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) cause nute burn or other problems? thanks


here are the latest pics I got this morning before leaving for work

you can see how tall and bushy it is getting

a few pics of some of the bud sites

please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, over 300 views and not many posts:sad:


just fed with 32oz of water and a 1/2 tsp of Big Bloom

here's the pics for today :-P


do you guys think I should cut off these branches on the bottom? the leaves are small and do not get much light at all, but I'm concerned of stressing the plant during flowering


here's the latest update

I'm concerned about spacial issues so I decided to tie down the apical tip to get the rest of the plant going strong and to make it more symmetrical


here's the bud sites/hairs on the main cola after it was tied down

here's the 1st pics of White Rhino peeking through. Doesn't look that great atm and I'm a little concerned for it but we'll see what the next few days do to it. Any ideas to help it out?


the Big Bang has already re-positioned itself after tying it down and I can start to see some trich's forming on the hairs and leaves

let me know what you guys think of her


Big Bang is looking really good, there is still a lot of hair production and some of the main buds are starting to put on a little bit of size

the White Rhino still isn't looking that great but a little better, I'll get pictures of both up tonight


it's been a bit since the last update; I've been busy

I added 8 warm light CFL's to the grow and also got a cheap cooking pan to use as a reflector for the 400w MH, total of ~600w on the Big Bang now


:leaf:the BB is blowing up, there are a lot of hairs and trichs are starting to come in nicely now on the leaves/stems. I tied down the main cola farther down to get some more apical tips, also tied a few branches together because they were pretty low and not getting much light, this brought them up higher closer to the lights.:-P


:leaf:The White Rhino is still looking retarded and is growing very slow, hopefully it still pulls through.


:leaf:also got a Death Star(Ohio only strain I think (Sensi Star x Sour Diesel)) and 4 other bagseeds going that all popped and are looking pretty good so far, I might start a new grow journal for those


almost 500 views and not many replies! let me know what you guys think and if you have questions or suggestions for me, thx


I found yesterday I have a thrip problem on the Big Bang. Went to the closest hydro store and bought a bottle of Safer Insect Killing Soap; misted the leaf top/bottoms and also shot some in the soil.


Well-Known Member
looks good,i just harvested my Snow last week and im impressed,4oz 1 plant under a 600 watt finished at 11 weeks...give you something to look forward to


I would love to get 4oz off of this first grow. What kind of light are u using and do you have any pics of the Snow? Both of my HS seeds were crap and didn't germinate (or more likely my not-so-perfect growing conditions screwed them up.) I still have the white rhino, death star, and 4 randoms in their 1st week of veg. Considering setting up a SoG grow in the next ~2 months so if any1 has some good links with info or knows some good strains let me know
you will get at least a couple ounces depending on light. i am on my first grow as well, big bang is in wk 4. frostier than a snowman
if u want a size reference my youtube is Be4RCountRy


nice grow man your trich production is very similar to mine, but my plant seems to be more of a sativa pheno and not as bushy. What kind of nutes are you using? Your bud seems to be way more developed than mine, a lot of the hairs are already changing colors but there are a ton of bud sites that are still developing
yes you will soon see a big increase in size..i noticed biggest change around wk 3, so hang in there ;)
the only nutes i am using are b-52 and molasses (organic unsulfured). i didnt have any money for nutes but i was impressed with the greenhouse genetics
o ya i am also spraying with plain seltzer under each leaf every 2-3 days, cuz i cant afford co2.