spek's first (indoor) grow, harvest!


Well-Known Member
Beer, wife and a good place to sit... all I need.

This is plant one. Sorry for the bad pics, I'm cutting on a mirror.




Well-Known Member
Congrats... Now the hard part, waiting for the cure to complete. Mine is almost done, which is not to say I haven't been enjoying tasty nugs the last month :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks y'all :)

Yeah, us too GrowinDad... to be honest, I barely partake. My girl does though and I just happen to love gardening :) I've of course toked a few times off of this crop, and it's a subtle high up front, but then slowly hits you. Good high, and long lasting. Great taste too.

I'm going to use most of this crop for cooking with though, as both of us love to cook, and I'll get more use out of it that way anyway. First up, butter to be refrozen:)



Well-Known Member
Plant #2, this one was a lot more airy in the buds. I think it is because I was LED on her without enough lumens. However, decent chop, lots to make butter/oil with.




Well-Known Member
Here's the final haul, all hung up. This doesn't show the popcorn that fills three large bowls for cooking, just the end smokable product.




Well-Known Member
nice harvest! your wife must realllllly love you! lol. GL
She's most pleased. I had a day of my girl fetching me beer, cleaning my scissors, smoking the small piles of hand-hash and cooking like four days worth of dinners.

For my first indoor grow, and my first grow that my girl has been with me through, it's been an awesome day.

Heading to the pub to celebrate a good grow.

Best part about this grow is that I will take the mistakes and turn it into something better next time!
