Spider Mite method

I wanted to share this with the forum because after trying literally a thousand products over the years nothing else worked. Some have but those are literally deadly for consumers. So try this next time and literally your spider mite problem will be gone.

Recipe i gallon
Fresh dill 5 sprigs or 3 oz. Put in a blender with Aloe Vera Juice 6oz Aloe acts as a great surfactent. 1oz of lime juice and 1 tsp of red bull. Fill rest with Ro water. Spray on leaves 1 day and spray 3 days later. No more mites.

I didnt believe this would work so i tried it on one plant that was infested. Yep it worked. Not all mites died first time but three days later they were toast. Eggs turned orange. The dill smell is like a rancid egg to mites and the great part about it is nothing here is toxic or oil based