spider mite


Well-Known Member
i have a bit of a spider mite issue. I no they like humidity so i reduced it to around 40% but the damn pests are still hangin around. What else can i do?

thanks.. peace


New Member
If you want to rid yourself of them for good ... buy some AVID. You only need 5 drops to a quart of water. Its expensive as Hell, but some hydro stores sell it in small vials. Just mix it up and spray under the leaves. Repeat a few times to get all the eggs. When the grow is over, clean everything out of the cabinet, then spray some more in all the nooks and crannys. The mites lay dormant, then come back for the next grow ... so you have to spray completly.

Be sure to inspect any gifted cuttings before putting them in your cabinet. Also, when working in the yard doing normal yard work ... change clothes and wash up before inspecting your marijuana plants. Prevention is the key.

Here's a link where you can buy AVID. Maybe you can get some partners to go in on a bottle with you. *lol* Primary Products Catalog for Serious Gardeners

Good luck ...




Well-Known Member
I'm almost sure that spider mites like a very dry not really humid grow room. You can also clean the leaves with a sponge on each side thoroughly. Seems to work for other people. Good luck!!!


New Member
thanks for all the advice i have ordered some Avid.

The mites are gonna hate ya, Bro. *lol*

You've made the right decision with the AVID.

Be sure to do a couple of follow-up sprays with the AVID to kill all the eggs. Mites are VERY persistant buggers and unless you kill all the eggs, they will come back. Also, when the grow is over, spray all the nooks and cranies of your grow area.
