Spider Mites, After the Harvest?

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I recently harvested 6 plants over the course of a week, the first 4 plants I took down looked clean from any pests but when I got down to my last 2 plants I had spider mites on most of my lower fan leaves. Now that my garden is completely chopped down I want to eradicate any remaining mites that may still be in my house before I start my next grow and I'm looking for tips. How long will any remaining mites live for without a food source?

I've already removed all the roots, grow medium, branches and trim from the house and cleaned my buckets/equipment as well as vacuumed and mopped the floor. I plan to set off a couple Dr. Dooom bug bombs but I'm not sure what else to do. Anyone have any suggestions or tips they can share???


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I feel like waiting 2 weeks should be long enough as long as there are no other plants the pests can go to...
I had spider mites at the beginning of my last grow in veg...and I sprayed with Avid, and Azamax, and never got any mites in flower...and now with new plants in veg no mites there either...


Active Member
id just give your whole groom a quick once over with a weak bleach solution and a rag, just to be safe. You should be fine anyway tbh - they only usually settle on plant matter, when the plants go, so do the mites.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I do have 3 small mother plants in a separate veg room, I soaked them top to bottom with AzaMax every 3 days for the last week and a half. I examine these plants daily and have not seen any signs of mites.

I still plan to set off a couple Doktor Doom fogger bug bombs hoping to kill any stray mites roaming around but I'm still open to any other suggestions or tips.


good thread, i just got some mites in the mother room, they tool over one plant so fast i had to clone her and cut her down .... using a soap/water mild spray at night seems to working,,,but my other mother is acting weird, have sfound some mites on her and sprayed her but the leaves on the inside of the tree are turning yellow to almost white, and falling off within days of noticing the mites...is this a direct result of mites or maybe just not getting enough light in the middle..