Spider mites , any home made brews please HELP


Active Member
My poor baby has spider mites !!
little f ers seem to be breeding fast!!
i bought lemon juice yesterday
mixed about 2 cap full into a spray bottle
i was pulling infested leafs off and checking with the microscope
for sure little spider mites and babies !
So I've sprayed w water , I've sprayed w lemon juice
plant is 4 weeks into flower ,I have neem oil on order 5days
Any home brews !! I can't stand watching thouse little f$&€!/


Active Member
Any tricks !
Its getting around 50 deg at night ,
Mabe putting them outside for a few night will freeze them?


Well-Known Member
Any tricks !
Its getting around 50 deg at night ,
Mabe putting them outside for a few night will freeze them?
not a chance with the cold. mighty wash by npk industries, If you can't afford/find that there's all kinds of different stuff people do. spraying with nothing but water actually gets some of them, wiping the leaves by hand with a wet towel( I've seen that one mentioned but never tried it) , shop vac, that's a good one, not the technique but the idea of doing it. I suppose it would suck some of them off the plant, it would also suck bud off the plant.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
soap & canola oil in a sprayer. I use like 2tsp soap and 2 tbs of canola in a 2liter sprayer.

If you wanna take it to the next level, you can boil garlic and cinnamon and add a little of that to the mix.

source: Haven't had a mite problem outdoors since March


Active Member
i dont think puting them out will help

i think your golden ticket is puting hella fans in your room tell that neem oil gets there

they hate fans


Well-Known Member
soap & canola oil in a sprayer. I use like 2tsp soap and 2 tbs of canola in a 2liter sprayer.

If you wanna take it to the next level, you can boil garlic and cinnamon and add a little of that to the mix.

source: Haven't had a mite problem outdoors since March
that is impressive. hell I use an airless paint sprayer indoors to apply mighty wash and still couldn't eradicate them, used pyganic then azamax in the same airless paint sprayer and owned so far!


Well-Known Member
Google search for DIY spider mite prevention - a few are Safer, or this

Pepper spray: Simmer 5-6 Habanero peppers that have been finely chopped (paying extra attention to breaking open the seeds to get the good stuff inside) for each pint of water. Keep in mind to only simmer the peppers as boiling them will start the breaking down process and decrease the potency of your spray. Let cool to room temperature and strain the solids from the juice. This spray can be kept for an unreal amount of time if it is refrigerated, but if left out for like a week or more will make one of the most rancid smells. But if you havent cleaned up after yourself for over a week then Id say you have a different problem on your hands altogether.

Precautions: This is extremely spicy stuff! Depending on the sensitivity level of your skin you may want to wear gloves but I dont seem to have an issue as, I kind of like how extremely cleansing it is for my pores. A face mask is absolutely necessary, and some may find it to be harsh even with the mask. Turn off your fans, try not to get it in your eyes, try not to breathe it in, but the thing about this stuff is that it is safe to consume so as long as you mind your sensitive areas and prevent yourself from suffocating then youre fine.

Key point: The pepper spray can be used infrequently, as Ive noticed it makes the fan leaves pretty spicy to the taste even days after you spray it. It doesnt leave much residue that I can tell so it has to make eating a pain in the ass for them without suffocating your plant too much. This one effect alone will slow them down drastically.


Well-Known Member
I know purespray green is good and cheap, but then it's nothing but petroleum oil. any oil works to kill them as long as it's safe for your plant but you have to hit them. works by suffocation.


Active Member
So , a little update
8$ got captain jacks bug spray , kinda worked
neem oil is still on order
i got sick of watching the plant suffer F it
went got a bottle of pure lemon juice
then went and got a taco, the salsa is a real hot!! water looking salsa
so in a spray bottle 3 spoon full salsa and 3 caps of lemon juce
fill the rest up 3/4 of the bottle mix and spray !!!

1hr later no more eggs no more spiders
i will repeat in a day or so !
Thanks for the advise


Active Member
I'm talking taco truck !!
real Mexican salsa Not chunky lol
you want a hot hot salsa mabe lemon juice
screen it so it doesn't get plugged up
keep in fridge !! Cover all leafs under and on top !
Any infected areas including buds if necessary
shake plant to get access fluid off
im going to spay every 2 days untill GONE


Well-Known Member
I gave up on the 'eco' remedies long ago. They might drive the adults away for a while, but do nothing for the eggs, thus it never ends.

I started using forbid 4f and problem solved, with a single application.

It is systemic, so it cant be used during flowering. You just spray it on the leaves once in veg. It is harsh shit, don't use it past vegetative stage.

You can get small amounts of it on ebay cheap, 1 ML makes a gallon.


Active Member
Hey !!
Good to know
i think I'm going to get some !!
i hate these f ers, after your post ,, I looked and your rite
nests !
Im just looking for a alternative fix !!
plants look better but some new eggs
ffffff no good