Spider Mites Oh sheesh Help!

So I am currently on the third week of flowering and wasnt paying attention and now I find that my plants are infested with spider mites. I was wondering if anyone has any idea of what to do seeing as I dont want to get the buds moldy of any sort. Someone pls help me :-D thanks.......


Well-Known Member
This is how I deal with the little fuckers.....

1 - remove infected leaves. Spiter mites can't travel from leave to leave easily until they start making their webs. So carefully remove any leaves with signs of spider mite damage.

2 - Treat plants with Neem oil foilar spray 1ml litre. Spray under leaves as well. You are only 3 weeks into flowering so don't worry about mould (as long as your ventilation is good) and there is plenty of time for the neem to break down. Takes about 10-14 days.

3 - A few days after treating with Neem, release some spider mite predators into your grow room. Available online. They really work well and should win the battle with the reamining mites/eggs.

After your grow is finished, clean and disinfect your room/equipment, then clean it some more. Good luck!