spider mites please help


Active Member
currently have 15 ak47 in various stages of flowering,some are ready in 12 days others are 2 to 3 weeks behind and i just found out i have spider mites,so i went to the hydro shop today and brought some spray safe organic pesticide £20 a litre bloke in the shop said its safe to spray on budds right up till harvest. my question is will they keep eating my buds when i cut them down and hang them up to dry or will they just die off? :joint:peace

Hazius Corpus

Active Member
You shouldn't have to spray the buds right up to harvest which is not good for the buds anyway. Just give the plant a good soak including under the leaves and repeat a few times. The plants are still early, only 1 in 12 days of flower, so they'll soon recover and be right. (Clean/sterilise your grow area to get rid of eggs etc too)

One thing tho, often a plant gets pests/diseases when something's wrong and it's vulnerable. How's the overall health of the plants? their growing conditions?


Active Member
i have 4 that are ready to cut down in 12 days ,but my main question is will they affect the buds when iam drying
any body?


Active Member
first thing you should try before poison is nataural bug killer ladybugs. They wont harm you or your plants.


Active Member
but will they keep on eating the buds when drying or do they die at this point


Active Member
I hate spider mites, One trick I heard is to drop sand all around the top of the pot to prevent the eggs from hatching.

They also hate water, If you spray all the area's with water they will quickly jump off back down in to the dirt then maybe you can spray them then. I wouldn't be spray that stuff on the buds NO WAY. You will be smokin it still grrrroooossssss. If you already have make sure to give them alot of water spray to dilute it, keep a fan going of course so it drys up quick too. I bet they are eating the leaves more, but you don't want them making a mess out of your bugs probably laying eggs and shit all over.

Also, when you top the plants and hang up I'm sure you can kinda clean them up or shake them at first a lot.

I once had so many bugs and crap on some plants outside that I put the whole plant in water and all these eggs came out. I had to quick dry them to keep the mold off too.


Well-Known Member
YES THEY WILL EAT UR BUD AS IT DRIES. I would order some ladybugs, or go capture some, you have 12 days. Predatory mites are the best though. You can spray if its organic, but honestly, do you think you wont taste it.