Spider mites?


Hey all I have an amnesia lemon I'm mainlining and recently these white dots have appeared on all leaves, with a 60x microscope they look like trich heads? I have checked for spider mites on top and bottom of leaves



Well-Known Member
Thank God, I was going crazy looking all over for bugs with a tiny scope
Spider mite bite mark's arent that uniformly round and arent raised up, more recessed in, another tell tale sign is if you look really close there will usually be a fine thread (web) going from 1 edge ridge to another


Spider mite bite mark's arent that uniformly round and arent raised up, more recessed in, another tell tale sign is if you look really close there will usually be a fine thread (web) going from 1 edge ridge to another
That's what I thought but wanted to ask to be sure, here's a full pic:mrgreen:IMG_20190815_082657274.jpg


Well-Known Member
A buddy who grows was looking at my plants vegging outdoors. On the very top of 2 plants were little balls. One on each plant. I touched one and it exploded. Live baby spiders. Thousands of them. The size of mites but they were actual spiders. He’s freaking. “Aren’t you going to spray those or something?”

Nope. They won’t stay long. You’ll see. Within a week they were nowhere to be seen. Knowing the pests in your area is very helpful in treating or not. Check lots of pics before you get a bug problem.

Also quarantine anything alive you bring home. Including houseplants. I’ve known several who have brought home powdery mildew, thrips, spider mites and broad mites. This is true even of clones bought in a legal store.