Spidermite control + Curling Leaves


Well-Known Member
Ok so iv just checked my plants after leaving them for a few days with my dad, the tips of the leaves seem dry and have curled up slightly ? also the bottoms lower leaves are quite dry ? like crispy ?


Also i brought a bottle of spidermite control, its turned the top of my seramis green ? is this meant to happen.

Heres link to the product :


Ec - is 0.9
ph - is normal
nutes - Canna hydro A+B

any help will be appreciated thanks.


Well-Known Member
U plant is too young for that ec
i think its like 800 ppm its too high
put it under
u can search for spider resuld c good threat so


Well-Known Member
iv been told that 0.8-1.0 is the correct ec level for this stage of my growth ? they are cuttings and have been in my DWC setup for two weeks now