Spidermites - here today, gone tomorrow


Well-Known Member
So about 15 days ago I saw two mites on one of my clones. They were frantically running around on a leaf and did indeed look like miniature little spiders. I snipped the leaf and flushed it and spent the next two hours starring at three clones. I quarantined them, and since I spend time checking the leafs once or twice a day, and I've seen no other evidence of mites.

The only thing I did to treat the situation was spray with EWC tea. I guess I caught them just as they were discovering the plant? Luckily I am moving locations soon.


Well-Known Member
EWC = Earth Worm Castings

A tea made from EWC will be teaming with benificial bacteria and fungi. I use it for root health but it is also known to have limited effect on mites and other pests when used as a spray.