
A few of the lower leaves on one of my plants has begun to develop yellow/brown dots. The other 9 plants look beautiful. They're all about two weeks into vegging. I suspect spider mites but can't find any. I've been looking under the leaves and around the nodes but I don't have a magnifying glass or anything. For now the plant has been removed from the garden, any advice people?

Grow Journal



Active Member
Does that pot have proper drainage?
That is to say when you apply water does a good amount pass through?
Only reason I ask is because with no visible signs of mites I'm thinking the roots are sitting in too much water at the bottom and causing your problem.

there's some red spider mites, they are small but not invisible, there are also the "clear" variety that are a more whitish color.

They are small but even with just a up close look with the naked eye you would be able to see the little moving spots...
when I look at the underside of the leaves, all of the discoloration that is visible on the leaves' tops look dark brown on the bottom. If it isn;t mites could it be nute related? I've been careful not to over fert....



Mr I Can Do That For Half
looks more like a deficincy maybe a lock out. What ph is your water and what nutes you using? The pot looks mighty small. Splash any water on those when feeding?
looks more like a deficincy maybe a lock out. What ph is your water and what nutes you using? The pot looks mighty small. Splash any water on those when feeding?
I'm using Fox Farm, Grow Big at the moment. I made sure to start with less than 50% the recomended dose and eased into full doses over the course of 4 waterings. I don't have an EC meter to check TDS unfortunately. The pH of my water is about 6.5 after adding nutes and a few drops of pH up.

I have accidently splashed the leaves with water a few times while watering... Could that be the problem? They are in 6 inch pots (about 1/2 gallon), I'll be transplanting to 3 gallon pots within a few days.

Again, Here is the link to my Grow Journal

Thanks for the help guys.
Are you also giving them the needed nitrogen from the fox farm grow big soil formula?
Right now They are all in Happy Frog Potting Soil and I am using Grow Big; a 6-4-4 fertalizer, I would think it's getting enough Nitrogen, unless- as you previously suggested- my problem is a nute lockout issue. I think I'm gonna invest in a EC meter ASAP.

Is it bad if I accidently got the leaves wet a few times when I watered? I usually water in the morning after the lights come on.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well it can cause burn where they get splashed on. Fox Farm usually is pok but if the lights are on it can make burns where they got splashed