"Spores" - what was it?


Well-Known Member
In the spring of 1974, I and my friends were given a medicine bottle of something the seller and vagabond friend called "spores". He claimed they were mushroom spores and that if we ate about 1/4 cap (the medicine bottle cap) of them we would have a fantastic trip. We did, and we did. It was probably one of the most wonderful halucinogenic trip I have ever had, and I've had more than my share. The experience was overwhelmingly lovely, powerful, purposeful, joyous, and gentle all at the same time.

Now it might have been my frame of mind and not so much the drug but I reflect upon it to this day. The guy who sold it to us said that he spread some of these "spores" on some compost under his house - and nothing happened. I now know that they could not have been spores of any mushroom I know of. They were small, chalky spheres that were a vague baby bluish color perhaps 1/16th of an inch across, perhaps a bit smaller.

My later experiences led me to briefly believe that they were liquid culture grown psylicybin mycleium from the shape and color. I, in fact briefly experimented with this sort of culture and balls of mycelium did form, but they were never blue and they dried out as a thin sludge and never these little spheres. Also, we took less than a half a gram of this stuff each. If it were what I had suspected it would have had to be many times as powerful as the strongest mushrooms I have ever experienced

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what it might have been or have any experience with this?


Well-Known Member
They didn't look like anything that was ever a mushoom. And yes, one can eat the results of liquid culture, blow sterile air through the culture and you do get tiny round colonies and I suppose they could become blue. Still, I can't imagine growing anything like that for potency and, as I said, the spheres collapsed when I took them out of the culture.


Well-Known Member
I never thought of that. It very well could have been something like that. I recall around the same period we got large cans of chopped mushrooms in liquid. Real sealed cans. We didn't know what shooms looked like back then and bought into it until someone waved a black light over some of the liquid and it glowed enough to read by. Even then we thought it was a pretty novel way to sell the stuff, 16 oz steel cans with lsd soaked button mushrooms in them.