Spoted Leafs!


Active Member

Have any of you guys ever seen Spots on your leaves?:confused:

I have a Hindy Plant, no big setup just a Phototron and Plant Food. Plant Food is 20-8-16 and the first time I feed her was 4/9 and she's due on 4/30. I water every other day. more details on former threads.

Pictures can be found here:

please help any advice is helpful.

Note the panels in the phototron are Mirrored Window Tint.

Medicate Oftenbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Look under the leaves and look for spider mites and aphids. If there is nothing there, don't worry about it, I think they are like birth marks on us, I had some on my plants and I would shit bricks because I would think that when I would turn the leaf over I would find a huge infestation of mites or aphids but they always turned out to be just random little spots. Your plants look healthy overall. These tiny little discolorations are not to be confused with spots caused by beading water, lack of Mg, light leaks, and other stresses. If the discolorations progress then you need to make an assessment and take other actions. Right now though they look like regular irregularities in the leaf surface. Good luck man.