spots on leaves - pics


Active Member
so in two nights, since i mixed up some new nutrient solution, my plant has gotten super crappy looking - so i assumed it was nute burned and just now put it in plain ph'd water (its in DWC) to make sure. but the symptoms dont look like any nute burn ive ever seen so i decided to throw up some pics and get some input - whatever it is its happening fast and this little girl just got her first flowers i dont want to lose her :bigjoint:

p.s. i know shes all wet, every week or two i give her a misting to simulate raining, and im pretty sure this isnt the problem because ive done it with all my plants and this hasnt happened before

update: after a couple hours on plain water the leaves look a little less droopy, but im still anxious to find out what this is, so if anyone has the slightest inkling please let me know

