Spotted leaves 30 days into Flower??


Active Member
Hey guys!!

While we were inspecting our plants last night, we found a few spotted leaves which we cut out. I took a couple Pics and I was hoping someone could tell me if this is a sign of some sort of deficiency? And if so, What should I be looking at?

Thanks any suggestions will help me narrow it down.


Active Member
One of my plants did the same. I think the cause of this in too much nutes. But i did mist my leaves with nute water & the next day i had the same spots everywhere! I cut every leaf off that had these spots.

Did you somehow get any nute of the leaves? Whens the last time you fed them? My plants are okay from this, i had to cuT way more leaves off then you!! Also where my buds are coming in, it all dried up! It sucked real bad, its still recovering from it, its been about 3 weeks. its doing alot better though & looks like its gonna pull through!!


Active Member
Ok here are some pictures of the plants. After doing some research, and opinions from other more experienced growers, i think we may have had a ph fluctuation sometime. I am going to go back and check the log book.

Thanks for all the awesome opinions though!! We really appreciate everything everyone has to offer.



Well-Known Member
What strain are they? Stems are pretty red/purple. I would say you are Nitrogen toxic locking up other nutrients. Just my opinion. If anything from the first pics. Looks more like an magnesium def than ph fluctuation. They are looking pretty good. I wouldnt panic or make any drastic changes. You have time to sort it out.


Active Member
WoW!! Ok man, Thanks I will look into both theories. They haven't had any nitrogen up until a few days ago though...been on just flowering nutes. I will Definately look into pictures of what Magnesium Def Looks Like!
I don't know the strain it is bagseed BTW

+ Rep


Active Member
ok so after further investigation, and checking the log, I discovered we had a crazy PH fluctuation during the 2 week period we had em on just flowering nutes. So I thik that is the problem but apreciate all the suggestions. We have changed the solution and no has been stable PH 6 for a bit now. Hopefully no more damaged leaves.



Well-Known Member
I had something like that before. It looks like a calcium deficiency which could be cause by pH lockout or underfeeding. When I got it I just fed my plant a normal dose of nutes along with a little extra Calmag and it bounced right back. The browning stayed but stopped spreading. Good luck.


Active Member
I had something like that before. It looks like a calcium deficiency which could be cause by pH lockout or underfeeding. When I got it I just fed my plant a normal dose of nutes along with a little extra Calmag and it bounced right back. The browning stayed but stopped spreading. Good luck.
Thanks so much,

We are gonna change the res on Sunday so I will be able to give them a new dose of food. We want to try the Cal/Mag but cant get to the Hydro store for at least a couple more weeks.(2.5HR Drive).
I hope by changing out the food and giving them an new batch it might solve the problem. Thanks for all the awesome insight!



Heres a couple of my favorite pics.



Active Member
Ok so after all that!!! The Fucken PH meter was out to lunch!! Yeah so all the Lockout issues were due to low ph!! We just changed over to the Hobbiest level with the Advanced Nutrients line so hopefully this fixes all our problems!!
Thank you to everyone who commented we took everyone's advice very seriously!!

This site kicks ass!!