Spotted leaves - Possible fungus?


Active Member
I'm not too sure what's going on with my little ones here.. These are all clones (3) and the mothers are all flowering and doing great with no signs of this problem. But in the veg area, it's a different story. It started with 1 plant spotting and and getting crispy blotches on the leaves and now all of them are doing this, except the one plant in there that's from seed, but the clone I took from that plant IS showing signs of this problem.. It looks like mold, but it doesn't rub off and it seems to start with older growth and work it's way up. Judging from the stickied thread, I thought it might be a P. deficiency so I gave 'em a shot of some bloom formula (0-10-10) last night but I'm still seeing new spotting. There's some gnats in the veg area, but nothing out of control in my book and I always look at the underside of the leaves and have yet to see any kind of pests. I'm really at a loss here, my next crop looks like it's in serious jeopardy if I can't get a handle on this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Possible root bound, N & MG deficiency, probably sitting in stale water due to poor drainage, too high a pH probably as well.