sprout healthy???


i was just curious on if my sprout was healthy. just sprouted this morning. i am curious to know if its supposed to be sticking straight up or kind of bent a little bit. everything else looks healthy to me (i think).

it is an indoor grow. got flourescent lights 2 inches above the sprout. just wanted another set of eyes to help me out a little bit



right on! thanks man! how can i tell when it needs to be watered? and how long should it take to start growing some nobes?


Water it only when its dry, like really dry. so like every 2-5 days i would say. it will grow taller and shed its shell and there will be two round leaves and then its first pair of nodes.


Water it only when its dry, like really dry. so like every 2-5 days i would say. it will grow taller and shed its shell and there will be two round leaves and then its first pair of nodes.

crazy you should say that tatsch... this morning. BOOM there they were. two little round leaves and i see 2 other ones starting to come out. the sprout is now sticking straight than an arrow. just thought id let you know the the update. im more than excited. how do i know when to start vegging and using nutes?


Go ahead and start to veg now if you want. dont use any nutes for like three weeks because it is still a sensitive baby. then when using nutes gradually put them in through a diluted solution like 1/4 the amount the instructions says.
Dont you just love it when a plan starts to come together lol Just dont over water and you will be fine. Make sure if you are using tap water all citys add chlorine so let it sit in your open gallon jug for 24 hours before use ok. No nute for a bit yet so not to worry


Well-Known Member
congrats on your first seedling! this is the easy part; just give it light and water when it needs it and it will prety much take care of its self.

right now your in whats known as the seedling stage. id say once it has its first pair of "true leafs" the you are in the vegetative stage

as for knowing when to water, you can tell two ways. theres the"finger test method" where you put your finger into the soil on the edge of the put about an inch and feel if the soil is moist or dry. theres also the "weight test method" where you pick up the pot and can tell by the weight if you need to add water. this takes a little practice, but its not hard

rookie and T have some good pointers too by the way