sprouts are growing weird


so my sprouts are really being wierd. they are a bright green color very slow growth and the tips of the leaves are turning yellow. any idea as to why they are doing this?


ok i have four little cfl daylight bulbs and one big cfl daylight bulb lol im not sure what wattage they are so forgive me. but the thing is thats for six little sprouts i dont get it shouldnt that be enough? but there is no ventilation in my grow box really at all. the temp remains at a steady 60-70 degrees f and the humidification is at 40%. i did water them way to much earlier so that might be a factor. but ther arent any fertilizer or nutes in the soil because i flushes all the soil out vigorously befor i planted the seeds. is it possible that its just the ventilation or maybe a classic case of over watering?


Active Member
Seedlings are planted to low in container which prevents proper ventilation. A lack of lighting is also detrimental to seedling development as is overwatering. Provide adequate amount of soil in container and be sure to give enough lighting and ventilation. Support seedlings when using oscillating fan.


that makes sense. what should i do to get the little sprouts up and out of that stag air so they can breath? are you sure a fan wont be too much for the sprouts to handle?


Well-Known Member
a fan will help alot...it won't hurt your babies...i have a fan on my 2 day old seedling...the fan will help in growing your stems nice and strong...better to start early then have them fall over from being to thin


Active Member
To raise the sprouts up just add more soil to containers or cut down containers. So roots are not disturbed it would be best to cut containers down . Support seedlings with brass wire until strong enough.


so i cut the containers down and also when i was doing that i realized that i do have alot of stag air in my grow box and it also retains alot of heat. so should i cut a hole in my right side of the box and use a fan for negative pressure ventilation and cut a hole in the left side and use another fan for positive pressure ventilation or just put a small fan in there and vent it normally


Active Member
Sounds like a good idea to provide better ventilation, it'll help prevent a myriad of problems which can end your grow. Once seedlings develop a couple of sets of 'true leaves ' they become alot hardier and can withstand minor cultivation mistakes.Oscillating fan blowing over supported seedlings will help develop stronger stalk to hold future leaf growth.


Active Member
Plants excrete toxins that they process through their leaves. Any fan is better than no fan. To be honest with you, depending on how many you have, just exposing them to the open air for several hours a day should help if they are that small. The fan may be overkill depending on how big it is.