Sprouts falling over


Whatever you say bud, sorry for questioning your answers...I just said that I was trying your idea, but at the same time, after you have successful grows I think everybody comes to the realization that this isn't as hard as it's made out to be. My question to you was would the distance from the bulb KILL the plant? Because my problem isnt just with the plant falling over, it's the fact that is dies shortly there after.

This is said with all due respect, you've been here much longer than I have. But show some in return. Im a guy who knows how to grow bud, so dont insult me by telling me Im not giving my plants enough time or attention. Ha!

Thanks again guys. Im putting them higher up, but this has also happened to seedlings of mine that were inches from some CFLs.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, forgot you were a horticulturalist. Like I said, happy growing, and I truely meant it...Hapy growing, bud :)


Removed my comment to meta, wanted this thread to be useful, and would be detrimental for me to engage in any needless banter.

To everybody else, thank you again for you tips. I will keep everyone updated on my seedlings, hoping the distance from the bulb was the only issue.

If not, Ill be back ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am currently in the last week flower of my hashberry grow. But I have been trying to germ new plants to take over next week when I harvest. I have actually been having this problem since I moved into my new place, I had three successful grows without any issue at my old apartment.

So each time, the seeds sprout with no issue. I watered them once when I planted, and not since then. Each seedling stretches a bit, and then falls over within a day or two. I tried putting the light closer, watering less, watering more, added a fan blowing over them, researched damping off, tried multiple soils, reading dozens of other threads... NOTHING. Im not even trying hard. Since I have a plant in flower, I just planted the seed and forgot about it. But each time I put them under lights, they stretch and fall over, and then die shortly after. The stems have a very white look to them and putting them under a fan doesnt seem to strengthen them. Each one that falls over, I have been putting outside just in case it is a fungus. My last sprouts I put in a mix of 50% seed starting mix and 50% Fox Farm. I just dont get it... Every thread on this matter says too much watering, but I am definite that my problem is not that. I should also note, that each time a seedling bends downwards, it NEVER comes back upright.

Like I previously said, I am an experienced growing having three successful harvests. But, I'm about to give up for good. I wasted almost all my seeds I bought through attitude.

Any new ideas? I have pics, but I mean the condition is pretty well explained.

Thanks for the help guys.
Dude, really? I wished you happy growing because we couldn't come to an agreement...I tried to take the high road...Yeah, it's fucking tragic that you keep killing seedlings when some people don't have easy access to/money for good seeds. We gave you advice, you keep saying "Thanks, I'll try that but...." Well, but what? I just said try harder...lol...You have successful grows under your belt, you know how to do this...If it's not working when you don't try very hard, and plant the seeds and forget about 'em, try harder...Don't come back with "I shouldn't have to try harder because it's not very hard." lol...if it's so easy, whatcha doing on a weed forum asking for advice? Or were you just entertaining us with a delightful story about how you keep killing seedlings??


You're right, at each person I was kind of skeptical. Why could that be? Maybe because I have tried their tip already (including yours). Im looking for new ideas, ones that havent been mentioned before. Just like you, I am perfectly capable of reading through old threads. I wouldnt have posted this if I didnt think it was a new issue that was beyond moving my lights...


Nope, but it has been multiple strains now. Short Stuff Autoflowers, and some freebies. But I just had three Querkle sprouts come up, and Im trying not to lose those too.

Like I said, I moved them up. But I've tried everything before posting this, like a sensible person.


Well-Known Member
PLEASE don't murder the TGA gear...Was there a big humidity or temperature change when you moved to the new place??

Also, why don't you just start the plants under a 26w 6500k CFL...As soon as those seeds poke their heads up and break soil, drop that CFL to within 3 inches...Starting seeds 5 feet from an HPS in your flowering chamber isn't exactly ideal conditions for a brand new baby marijuana plant.


No, I switched from city to well water, but I switched to bottle water so that cant be the issue. Same city, but this time it is summer and I live in Florida. Dont know if the heat could take a huge toll on the stem growth.

Yeah I know, I dont wanna fuck these ones up. Heard good things about TGA. Sorry for getting into it with you, but I've been messing with all the variables and nothing seems to work and the comment just made me look like a dumbass who doesnt know what they're doing.


Well-Known Member
Heat and crazy humidity? I've heard heat can cause a lot of stretch, but I'm waiting on a new AC unit in 2 days, and the seedlings I started the other day are just fine, on track to making me really proud...I have some TGA gear in that lot, too...Vortex seeds I bought off Subcool himself. But anyway, like I said, mine are under a bunch of 6500k and 2700k CFL's, and despite the heat being up there, they're all looking good! All except one of the vortex sprouts who needed help outta it's shell, think it's a goner for sure...Luckily I DO have easy access to good genetics. I'm not saying you don't know what you're doing...hell, I've only been growing indoors since November, and am just now stepping up to HPS, but sprouting and getting the plants to grow hasn't ever been a big issue with me, or I wouldn't have commented.


Well at least I cant blame the genetics. They did give me runty looking seeds but all three germed. Actually, the photo is of two freebies I got with my attitude purchase two times ago. So the TGAs are doing fine at the moment. But Im afraid theyll follow the same fate as the others. Ill have to set up a veg chamber of sorts tonight too and see if that helps. But like I said previously, its been months now. I been trying to sprout new seeds since my hashberry female was on week 3 of flowering (almost two months now) with no success. Tried with CFLs, tried with 150watt HPS, different distances.

Nobody has said anything about damping off or fungus but Im not positive I can rule that out since every plant has died in the same manner.


Well-Known Member
You have 50% FFOF and 50% seed starter in your cups?

I'm assuming that you have not givin any food as they look to be young still?

I get your stretching if you have had them a bit of a distance from a HID light but this is definitely not what is killin them.What are your conditions in the area they are in?Temps,humidity,air exchange.Heat has alot of affect on seedlings and they don't like it.But you mentioned getting discolored stems also right?


Well-Known Member
It's only damping off if you leave the soil waterlogged. You're not like fully saturating it when you plant, right? And you have damn good drainage? And no, I don't think it's a fungus either. If it were it would be more evident in your soil, especially if it was responsible for killing your plants. What do the roots look like after they die, do you inspect them? Is the soil at the bottom of the cups sopping wet?


Some of them turn dark near the base. Others stay a very pale white and are like rubber, no firmness what so ever. Last week my ac was low of freon and freezing up, so my temps were in the low 80s. I live in Florida so the heat is at its highest but Ive been trying to keep the AC around 78 since it was fixed. I switched to 50% 50% mix because full Fox Farm wasnt working. Could a bag of that stuff be contaminated in any way? Ive used it on other household plants with no issues. Another thing is if I move the seedlings closer to the light, they are for sure going to be at a higher temperature. Have passive intake with two fans in the cab, and a third fan as exhaust.

Root system is barely evident after they die. But no, the cup is not waterlogged at all. I switched from drinking cups to azalia starter pots with the holes pre drilled for the TGA ones. Soaked the cup in water, let it drain for two hours, put in the seed. Two days after it sprouted I added about a teaspoon of water to each, noticing the first two inches were dry.


Well-Known Member
Well if ya got other things in the same soil that are doin fine i would think your medium can be ruled out as the culprit.What you have them in should work fine.I think you should do your best to give them the best environment you can,temp,humidity and fresh air.

Can ya rig up a small spot in a different area with a bit of cfl power,should be easier to do than deal with a whole room.Tip on the seeds.Only fill those cups half way so as they get taller you can fill the cup with more soil,this will help with the stretch factor and fallin over.


Active Member
yes set up a little veg area and just try a little harder and i think that you will find that they do better
are you using potting soil with feed mixed in it? if so thats the prob, go outside and dig some dirt up outta your yard, or start them in no feed soil "soil with no nutes"