Sprouts Turning Brown. First Grow, Plz Help


They are Joint Doctors Auto flower Easy Ryder.

These are 7 days old.

I havent seen any growth from the first in a couple days, and it looks like its turning brown, is there anything I can do to save it?

Also I can't tell if the other is looking good or bad, any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks for your help.



I'm sure this thought crossed your mind: genlty taking off the seed shell so the plant can get some light.

That's what I did with the sprout in the first picture, and wasn't sure if that's what caused it to take a turn for the worse.

I will take the shell off of the other one too.

Anybody know if there's a way to save the browning sprout?

Again this is my first grow and any help is appreciated.


Man I dunno, B super super careful not to damage the lil guy
Thanks, I guess I'll just do what I can.
The base of the stem is getting a little greener, but it doesn't seem like the leaves are developing at all.

If anybody has any ideas, feel free to throw them out there.:-|


Anybody have any more ideas?

It doesn't seen to be getting better, or worse?

Anyone know if I can even still save it.

Also, the leaves on the healthier one haven't opened up yet, is that normal?

Thanks again for those have responded.


New Member
Anybody have any more ideas?

It doesn't seen to be getting better, or worse?

Anyone know if I can even still save it.

Also, the leaves on the healthier one haven't opened up yet, is that normal?

Thanks again for those have responded.
i would just let them open up on there own
if in a couple days they still havent opened then gently take it off


well just make sure u dont over water and ph ur water and u should be good
Will do.
They're in a bubbleponics system, so I don't think I'll over water them, and I've been checking ph daily.

It hasn't turned completely brown or fallen over yet, so I feel like it might still have a chance. :-?


Active Member
well when mine turn brown it means i have a fungus or a rot

do a search for hydrogen peroxide here on RIU.

ive heard tell those bare root systems need to be kept in the 70's to prevent root rot. have u checked your fluid temp?