Starnge bug eating my ladybugs PICS


Well-Known Member
1038030A-8357-499E-BA50-67BCB709AF7E.png 66DCD496-F189-425B-88F0-8BD9BAED9CFC.png Hi all; found this little prick eating my ladybugs. Anyone know what it is and how get rid of? SEE PICS 1038030A-8357-499E-BA50-67BCB709AF7E.png66DCD496-F189-425B-88F0-8BD9BAED9CFC.png


Well-Known Member
It will eat any bugs it finds, I would just leave it.
You should see how a praying mantis eats the ladybugs, chomping on it like a slice of watermelon.


Well-Known Member
Just kind sux I bought a bunch ladybugs to deal w a aphid problem I had going on. Trying stay as organic as possible. All for personal use and to share some w a few friends.
Thanks for the pic compliment just using an iPhone SE