Start Proving It!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i wanna see proof. i'm getting tired. my fingers hurt. i spend all day trying to break all the myths and it still keeps going.

here's my peeve of the day.


what does this really mean? do you know? have you actually studied this in real life or just read it somewhere? i've seen maybe 2 people actually let there outdoor plants go long enough. they all said "well i want an uppity high". if you want an uppity high then grow sativa. harvesting early won't help. when the plant is done you will know it. i know it's hard but you have to let them keep growing. i've seen incredible results by simply allowing my plants to go a few more WEEKS.

it just really bothers me how people will argue something that they have only read about. even after i've show living proof of broken myths they still just think i have super powers.

it's a plant.

it's a plant.

it's a weed plant.

it's a weed.



Well-Known Member
I don't know brother. It seems like allot of read and pass info gets given around here. I am not looking to customize my high if you will. I personally want to be couch locked when I smoke. I feel like I have been cheated if not. I am dying to harvest so I can finally have some damn smoke but I am gonna let em go as long as needed for yield. I don't want them to start losing potency but who knows.


New Member
I like the uppity high BUT I have all no names. I have picked some of mine a bit early but have left most of my plants out to do their own thing.

I have ALWAYS picked my plants too soon in the past so I am learning a lot from here. Especially you on 'doneness.' I don't think it has anything with not understanding what you are saying fdd. I think it has more to do with excitement and perhaps some impatience and uncertainty.

Don't get discouraged fdd. You're the BEST!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:
i wanna see proof. i'm getting tired. my fingers hurt. i spend all day trying to break all the myths and it still keeps going.

here's my peeve of the day.


what does this really mean? do you know? have you actually studied this in real life or just read it somewhere? i've seen maybe 2 people actually let there outdoor plants go long enough. they all said "well i want an uppity high". if you want an uppity high then grow sativa. harvesting early won't help. when the plant is done you will know it. i know it's hard but you have to let them keep growing. i've seen incredible results by simply allowing my plants to go a few more WEEKS.

it just really bothers me how people will argue something that they have only read about. even after i've show living proof of broken myths they still just think i have super powers.

it's a plant.

it's a plant.

it's a weed plant.

it's a weed.



Well-Known Member
I like the uppity high BUT I have all no names. I have picked some of mine a bit early but have left most of my plants out to do their own thing.

I have ALWAYS picked my plants too soon in the past so I am learning a lot from here. Especially you on 'doneness.' I don't think it has anything with not understanding what you are saying fdd. I think it has more to do with excitement and perhaps some impatience and uncertainty.

Don't get discouraged fdd. You're the BEST!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:

i'm gonna try to not let this spin out of control.:mrgreen::mrgreen:

i guess what i'm trying to get at is people shouldn't be so eager to believe until they actually see proof. a lot of this is opinion. i'm not so much peeved at any one person or persons just the whole "scene" in general. it seems as soon as you mention growing pot to someone they always know this "super, secret, special way". i think a lot of these myths limit people.


New Member
That 'cause us silly human have egos.
i'm gonna try to not let this spin out of control.:mrgreen::mrgreen:

i guess what i'm trying to get at is people shouldn't be so eager to believe until they actually see proof. a lot of this is opinion. i'm not so much peeved at any one person or persons just the whole "scene" in general. it seems as soon as you mention growing pot to someone they always know this "super, secret, special way". i think a lot of these myths limit people.


Well-Known Member
I grew mine pretty much just like any other plant in my garden. It was easy to grow, nothing mythical or mystical. It was more fun to grow than my usual fare and the results a lot more exciting. I took my first plant a little early but it turned out good. I waited until the second plant was finished and it turned out great. Like you say, after watching the two plants go through their entire cycle I won't need to ask "is it ready" again. To me it finally became obvious when the plant was finished Growing. There came a point where the plant started to wither and the pistols all were drying up and you could see a change in the sheen of the trichs in the sunlight. Being able to check with you reinforced my judgement that the plant was ready. I also agree that type of high you get is determined almost entirely by genetics. I'll have to get some sativa seeds somewhere if I want an uppity high. In the meantime I'll smoke this years crop and wear a custom ass crack impression in my Lazy-boy.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I totally back FDD in this one. I have at least 8 harvest under my boot. I had some really good guys helping me. I found this site, and I found a few things I could do that really increased my production. So I read more, and listened more. Well in the end I almoast lost an intire crop, and did lose 12 out of 13 clones. This all because of my stupidity of listneing to one person, with a few behind him saying yes, this is the way.. one guy that I showed him his mistake, yah I might have throuwn it his face just a little, still to this day calls me Crabnock, even though he spoke bad information which almost killede 8 plants. These are the people FDD speaks of. Do not speak fact unless you know with out a doubt. I have had people tell me things in here as FACT when it was third hand


Well-Known Member
yes just like some people here say that using digital ballast will save you money, im not too sure on that i read on the n-g-w catalog that it doesn't save you energy bill, 1k watt is 1kwatt not 900watt.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
they could save you money in effecisence. Power can not be made or destroy. this is simple and known. If you have lights thaty use 1,000 watts of energy, them either they are using that energy to make LIGHT, or heat. One or the other. YES!!!!! some 400 watt, or 1,000 wat hps lights are better then others.. THESE are the one that put more of the power they receive into light, rather then heat. You want to design a fantastit light..................... thewn design a 400 watt hps ;ight that give out no heat.. You will be a very, very rich man.. You would be able to call Mr. Williams Gates you bitch.

Spell check is not workinbg.. and I am one messewd up puppy.


Well-Known Member
yea they say its just more efficient at turning energy into usuable light for the plant, but still your using 1k watt regardless and thats what eletric company measure your bill by, watts.


Well-Known Member
i bought myself a microscope for £5 at Maplins and i havnt asked 'are they ready' since :D

i have smoked the odd bit along the line and am finding its getting better and better :peace:

what i must say is that one of my plants seems to have lost the crystals on the leaves :?


New Member
here's my peeve of the day.


what does this really mean? do you know? have you actually studied this in real life or just read it somewhere? i've seen maybe 2 people actually let there outdoor plants go long enough. they all said "well i want an uppity high". if you want an uppity high then grow sativa. harvesting early won't help. when the plant is done you will know it. i know it's hard but you have to let them keep growing. i've seen incredible results by simply allowing my plants to go a few more WEEKS.

well, how do you PROVE that you have an uppity high or a couch lock from when you harvested, unless you harvested the SAME plant at two different times.

but the reason that your want, has to do with the ageing THC inside those little trics. when they are turning amber the thc is degrading to CBD, supposedly. THC is supposed to be a high, CBD is supposed to be a stone. this is all just regurgitated information we all read. i'm no botonist.


New Member
Yes. I understand exactly what you are saying Chester. We had rain here for 2 weeks and it got really hard to distinguish what was ready. It looked like they had almost gone dormant for a while but then when the sun came out for 2 days I could really tell the ones that were done and the ones that weren't. The ones that were done lost their luster and looked 'done' 'finished'. They were droopy and dull. Almost lifeless.

While the ones that still had some finishing to do still looked vibrant and sparkling in the sunlight.
Also I find that the buds that are obviously finished dry, cure to a golden brown whereas if you pick too early they become more greenish with bids of reddish gold throughout them. My dog wagged a couple of lower branches off with her tail. :roll::mrgreen:
No I have picked too early before many times.

I was so happy to read your post and see someone else explain it in this way.
I grow my plants almost the same way I grow my clematis. They like a lot of tender loving care and a bit of common sense.

I do find it interesting observing the differences between indoor growing and outdoor growing.

It is VERY exciting. I forgot how exciting it is and how great your own grow can be.

Thaks Chester
A good read:blsmoke:
I grew mine pretty much just like any other plant in my garden. It was easy to grow, nothing mythical or mystical. It was more fun to grow than my usual fare and the results a lot more exciting. I took my first plant a little early but it turned out good. I waited until the second plant was finished and it turned out great. Like you say, after watching the two plants go through their entire cycle I won't need to ask "is it ready" again. To me it finally became obvious when the plant was finished Growing. There came a point where the plant started to wither and the pistols all were drying up and you could see a change in the sheen of the trichs in the sunlight. Being able to check with you reinforced my judgement that the plant was ready. I also agree that type of high you get is determined almost entirely by genetics. I'll have to get some sativa seeds somewhere if I want an uppity high. In the meantime I'll smoke this years crop and wear a custom ass crack impression in my Lazy-boy.


New Member
That is why I am harvesting some of mine at different times and logging it. Just for curiousity.

I was also told about the difference between THC and CBD and how it changes with time. Not that I understand that much about it but it sounded good. :mrgreen: (regurgitated or not)
well, how do you PROVE that you have an uppity high or a couch lock from when you harvested, unless you harvested the SAME plant at two different times.

but the reason that your want, has to do with the ageing THC inside those little trics. when they are turning amber the thc is degrading to CBD, supposedly. THC is supposed to be a high, CBD is supposed to be a stone. this is all just regurgitated information we all read. i'm no botonist.


Well-Known Member
my first harvest i harvested it somewhat early due to what i read. cloudy trichromes. uppity high. all i was left with was weed that didnt get me as high as normal and only lasted 30min. wont make that mistake again.


Well-Known Member
wow, all positive. thank you my friends. lacy, keeps us posted on the logbook of stoniness.:mrgreen: these are the things we really need.

which brings me to todays peeve.......................................

lets start testing some of this stuff before we swear to it. like molasses for instance. what does it really do for the plant? we know what it does for the soil. how it adds beneficial this and that. but is it really helping? did the soil not have that in it already? would the plant have grown that way anyway? everyone says i saw results. maybe the plant was just at that point.........

the best way to prove all this is like lacy said. test it and keep records. use 2 identical cuttings from the same mother. grow them side-by-side under the exact same condition other then what you are testing. log the results. then swear to it.:blsmoke:

all i keep hearing is...................."your plants did so well because of the california sunshine"..............people have a hard time believing they are capable of the same results. they still think i'm MAGIC.


Active Member
yes just like some people here say that using digital ballast will save you money, im not too sure on that i read on the n-g-w catalog that it doesn't save you energy bill, 1k watt is 1kwatt not 900watt.
i was looking to buy a digiyal set up but my local grow shop has withdrawn them from sale as ther is a BIG issue with them giving off signal at a wavelength that interferes with nearby tv radio and wi fi equipment the shop i am talking about had one set up on display and had the local telecomms guy round saying there was a bad signal coming from the shop.

dont know if there is any truth in it because theshop guy could have had a sale from me but then again who wants the dreadedknock on the door ?

if some one knows different to this please let me know.:roll:


Active Member
wow, all positive. thank you my friends. lacy, keeps us posted on the logbook of stoniness.:mrgreen: these are the things we really need.

which brings me to todays peeve.......................................

lets start testing some of this stuff before we swear to it. like molasses for instance. what does it really do for the plant? we know what it does for the soil. how it adds beneficial this and that. but is it really helping? did the soil not have that in it already? would the plant have grown that way anyway? everyone says i saw results. maybe the plant was just at that point.........

the best way to prove all this is like lacy said. test it and keep records. use 2 identical cuttings from the same mother. grow them side-by-side under the exact same condition other then what you are testing. log the results. then swear to it.:blsmoke:

all i keep hearing is...................."your plants did so well because of the california sunshine"..............people have a hard time believing they are capable of the same results. they still think i'm MAGIC.

i'm interested in test results for anything related to weed, good idea FDD

you aint MAGIC? haha....but a very interesting dude indeed:joint:
gonna roll one and contemplate some more:peace:


Well-Known Member
lets start testing some of this stuff before we swear to it. like molasses for instance. what does it really do for the plant? we know what it does for the soil. how it adds beneficial this and that.
well as you probably know cause your a smart guy molasses ads no beneficial this and that to soil, it merely feeds the beneficial microscopic organisms in the soil which in turn grub on organic matirials in the soil converting it to usable nutes so really the use of molasses is to boost microbial activity in soil


Well-Known Member
well as you probably know cause your a smart guy molasses ads no beneficial this and that to soil, it merely feeds the beneficial microscopic organisms in the soil which in turn grub on organic matirials in the soil converting it to usable nutes so really the use of molasses is to boost microbial activity in soil

prove it!:blsmoke: