Started flower on 10/9, question on training


Active Member
I have a charlie sheen clone in a 2 gal pot that went into flower on 10/9. The soil for the first pot was ffof. Since then the soil has been kellogg topper with pearlite, worm castings, garden lime, and bone meal for the transplant before starting flower. I am using budda grow and flower for nutes and r/o water for inbetween feedings.
I'm using cfl all the way thru, aprox. 175 w for veg by way of 7 23w cfls. Of 65k. Flower is aprox 325w of 27k cfls. This plant is ok right now but I cant add any plants to the room. The issue is because its so tall that it comes up into/level with my lights, so I can't move it or itll be touching the lights, burning it. The only way I can add any plants is if I sacrifice light coverage on the new girls, or lst her main top so I can move her around. My question is this: is a month into flower too late to lst this girl so I can move her and add plants. If I do will it affect yield in a negative way?
Any advice/help is welcome.


Active Member
I have been looking thru threads for over a day now and just can't find the answer. Does anyone know if its too late to lst this plant?