Starting clones without chemicals?


Well-Known Member
Anybody have any tips to start a couple clones without using any clone gels? I just trimmed a few smaller branches off my female and thought why let the trimmings go to waste, might as well use them as clones and toss them outside when they establish.

All I have at my house is the FF Trio and some MG all purpose. Anybody have any tips? I thought maybe just putting them in a cup of water with a little big bloom might work?


Active Member
place them in a cup with no nutes, no nothing. just plain water ph about 6.5 I've seen a post in the forum somewhere where the guy does it with NOTHING ELSE but plain water and has 100% success... if I find it, i'll post it up here

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
As Towlie mentioned, plain water has worked for many years for many types of plants. If you want proof of that... 20%++ of all windows by the kitchen sink have some kind of plant rooting in a glass or flower vase. Look at one of those.

An airstone and some bubbling action would be good too.

OR next time, do an air root clone.. and dont cut the branch off till it has a root system you feel comfortable with. Here is a thread on ARC and MRS. There isnt much there, but will be soon as more people start doing it that way.