Starting my first grow tomorrow


Well-Known Member
They look pretty tangly there. Good luck seperating them. The rule of thumb is one plant to one pot. That way the roots can grow and not have to fight each other. Also i see you used some "used" soil. They say it's not a great idea cause bacterias and buggies and all kinds of things that are no good for your babies can grow.
Get yourslef some "new" soil to trasplant into or just make sure you have some new soil for your new germ seeds.


No its actually really good soil its from a bag its suppost to be more natural but yea I have better pics not up of the transport so but those are deff plants right lol not a bunch of weeds


Well-Known Member
No its actually really good soil its from a bag its suppost to be more natural but yea I have better pics not up of the transport so but those are deff plants right lol not a bunch of weeds
Well that the hell are you doing with dry dead leaves in your good soil!!?!?! lol


When I get outta work ill post the new pics lmao those were the ones my friend fucked up that I'm trying to rescue they were outside in a shity pot lol


Well-Known Member
Ok, is it just me or do some of those not look like weed plants... I've had similar looking plants with all round edges grow up in my cheap soil...Also, you have to be giving them at least 18 hours of light a day in vegetative state. Set it up so it's on for 18 hours straight the exact same time each day and also you don't have near enough lights, go spend $20 and buy a few more cfls, you can get ceap y connectors to put two bulbs into one socket. GL


thats what im trying to find out to bro idk if im to burnt or what otday but i seen them and wasnt to sure if they were and thats what i was trying to figure out lol


well yea but those are because i didnt try untaggling them iforgot to cause i was high as a kite when i was doing it lol but how can i tell if im growing some cheeba or some fucking outside pos weed lmao


Active Member
curious as to the 10hour light period for vegging you should go with a 24/0 or like a 18/6 for vegging....watering, for me it was usually once a week a good way to tell is to feel the soil if the soil is dry about a 1 inch deep, since the roots are not that well developed, then you should water them....also if you have a calendar i would write down what days i watered them thats what i did...hope that helps you out a little good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
well yea but those are because i didnt try untaggling them iforgot to cause i was high as a kite when i was doing it lol but how can i tell if im growing some cheeba or some fucking outside pos weed lmao
Just grow it well and if it's a fem it'll produce buds. Problem is the plants in those pots with a few in 'em are gonna fight to survive and in the end you may end up with no good plant coming from them but hey who knows.


Well-Known Member
yeah they resemble herb, lol
how far down roughly did you plant them? and can you take a pic so we can see the stems? like a side shot.