Starting plants for outdoor? question?


Active Member
I have 3 mid seeds under two cfls i think they are 23W.

Is this fine just for a couple of weeks til i put em outside?

also how long can i leave them in 24 hour light


Well-Known Member
As stated, u can leave them on 24 hours, but I would advise bringing them into a 18/6 schedule before taking them outside, so the lighting change with natural nighttime will not be too much of a shock, or stresser for them, and it will also allow the root systems to develop during the "night" times or off periods, giving the above ground portion of the plants a better chance to explode in faster development once u place them outdoors... The 23W CFls u r using r the equivs of 150W lamps, but with much more suitable spectrums... Usually the 2700k and 6500k CFL's r ideal for either vegging or flowering, but mixed together, it is even better, as it provides a fuller spectrum... Those 23W CFLs emit approx 1,600 lumens each, and sunlight can hit the earth at it's peak, around 15,000 foot-candles, and throughout the daytime, it probably averages more like 10,000-20.000 lux, or 1,000-2,000 foot-candles... Usually mj plants can only process approx 7.000 Ft-candles, or 75,000-80,000 lux... So, the sunlight will be much more powerful than even high wattage HID lamps, much less, what any CFL's emit.... So, when they get used to being outside, basking in the full sun, they will seem to explode with rapid vegetation, with proper attention to detail and proper care and sound watering and feeding regimins... If it rains frequently, then u may not have to water much at all... But, a little trellis system can never hurt for stormy days or nights, to provide added support for branches that could be broken buy stronger outdoor conditions, such as wind and heavy rain.... But, it sounds like you will be just fine, man... Even as a die-hard indoor HID grower myself, I must admit that there's much to be said for outdoor-grown mj... If I ever decide to grow outdoors, I would likely prefer to do it in a greenhouse, as it would provide for much more controlled conditions, like light deprivation to induce earlier flowering, than would the natural occurance of seasonal changes, not to mention temperature control, pest managment, and other factors... But, I've seen some awesome mj grown in the open outdoors, and as long as one can keep pests, above and below ground at bay, and take good care of them, one can produce fine, Grade-A mj... sounds like you r on the right path...