Starting Seed


Active Member
Hi, I,m new to hydro and wonder is it better to start seeds in soil and move to hydro when strong or start in hydro and if so best way?



Well-Known Member
Hydro means: The growing of plants in water containing essential mineral nutrients rather than in soil.

Start them in rockwool not soil if your going hydro.


Active Member
Thanks, now I found some rookwool thats 4" deep and 8" square will that be big enough for a 4 foot plant or should I and can I put 2 on to of each other?


Well-Known Member
-Originally posted by widow maker-

This video was posted in the hydroponic section but I think it is something all newbies should watch. This guy is a little off on a few things and I dont agree with everything he does but its a very good and funny video to watch. He does a pretty good job on explaining the basics.-Widow

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