starting the babies for summer crop


Well-Known Member
Those look like mini tree roots haha. You use it all the way through to harvest?
yup it does the best in the budding with resin increase like crazy adds about 1/3 more weight plant to plant one with it, one without it, side by side in a test grow . buds weren't bigger or more off them just heavier with resin alot more hash from trimming also !!


Well-Known Member
003.JPG006.JPG010.JPG014.JPG016.JPGhere's the stumbleweed seeders that are showing lots of seeds,after they get pollinated outdoors i bring them home to be sure not to loose them this is a very nice early strain(semi auto). i'll give the seeds another 30 days or so till totally done .


Well-Known Member
Good shit ya mine are super light too thought i just wasnt feeding it enough mine got buds everywere and your right a nice sweet lemon aroma should be done in 4 weeks fucking camp was hovering my shit again yesterday while i was laying in the brush must be the greenhpuse in the middle of nowere ha.


the plant is just too big for the pot. i dont believe seaweed juice could make a big difference.
Lol seriously? Yes, it's obvious that his/her awesome looking plants, a strain he's crossed and climatized him/herself and has been running for a long time must be root bound... Makes perfect sense. And how on earth could a homemade fertilizer made with kelp, which is LOADED with soluable potash possibly help resin production and root health? You sir deserve an award. 500+ posts and that's what you come with?


Active Member
omg the pot is shooting 2 foot long roots outta the tiny ass pot its in. fuck it must be this seaweed extract fo sho'. lol idiot


Well-Known Member
Good shit ya mine are super light too thought i just wasnt feeding it enough mine got buds everywere and your right a nice sweet lemon aroma should be done in 4 weeks fucking camp was hovering my shit again yesterday while i was laying in the brush must be the greenhpuse in the middle of nowere ha.
i thought the same thing until i checked out my feeding log and see i didn't miss a feeding or anything different than the rest ,it must be in the genetics ?? very light green and i'll have to watch her and make sure the feeding habits are the same as other strains so not to over feed her thinking it's hungry or something . not used to pale colored plants but buds look great and all the leaves are the same so its allright with me just something new


omg the pot is shooting 2 foot long roots outta the tiny ass pot its in. fuck it must be this seaweed extract fo sho'. lol idiot
Yes, I am an idiot. It happens. But I don't want to derail this awesome journal. I'll agree to disagree. I hope whatever youre growing grows the best it can, and I wish you a safe n heavy harvest. Pce.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am an idiot. It happens. But I don't want to derail this awesome journal. I'll agree to disagree. I hope whatever youre growing grows the best it can, and I wish you a safe n heavy harvest. Pce.
yup wer'e all idiots around here thats why we still are doing it ,everyones has an opinion either good or bad ,agree or disagree


Well-Known Member
Ya man every year it blows my mind how much different each strain its a pretty cool thing i wanna get into making my own strains for what works best just lack the experience and research.


Well-Known Member
Ya man every year it blows my mind how much different each strain its a pretty cool thing i wanna get into making my own strains for what works best just lack the experience and research.
well growing different strains and finding different pheno and isolating them is what it is all about if ya plan on making $$ at it. and it takes time to get what ya want from several strains and making them aclimated to the area ya are growing in and what conditions ya have to deal with. iv'e been growing and breeding for over 15 years and still am finding new and better phenos all the time with all the new hybrids out there to choose from. mold resistance is the biggest factor by far growing on the coast

OverGrow Kid

Active Member
Your my fuking hero... Before you flame on, I've gone through entire thread but I cant find your seaweed extract recipe, If you would be so kind to oblige me with said recipe, I would give proper credits in my journal when I use make some. Unless you buy it made already, which I refuse to believe.



Well-Known Member
Fuck what can i do to try and prevent it been hosing them down with serenade and pulling of any leaves that have any.
i'm not sure iv'e never used anything to pervent mold just genetics. a more open structure is what works here alot better to let the wind, rain and fog go thru and will let the buds dry up alot faster hence alot less chance for mold to grow . just my take on the mold issue.