Starting to Build Veg and Flower room! Need exhuast intake help !!


Hey guys.. Long story short I have a 8x5 veg room and a 10x5 flower room that I plan on converting over the next week.. My biggest question is.. with the two rooms will I need two separate exhaust/intake setups? I have watched countless videos and read hundreds of threads but I haven't seen the answers I've been looking for yet so I hope one of you can help. Each room has a small basement window on the far wall.. Do you suggest pumping the exhaust back into my basement instead of outside?? Thanks for reading.. Looking forward to help !!!:leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
You could potentially exhaust both rooms with one 8" or 10" fan. I would tee off from each room into one fan and give each room its own passive intakes. However, I would run a seperate fan to cool the lights as well.

As for exhausting into the house, is it cold where you are? Either way, you are going to want a quality carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
imho i would keep it from the outside as much as possible. if i could afford to double scrub my air i would.. bit the more crap sticking out a basement window the better you are..