Statistical Chances of Females


Active Member
I let my mind lose on the couch the other day beneath some hash smoke when I had a question pop in my mind that some of you math guys could help me with.

Given that the chances for male/female sex are 50/50 and barring reverse or alternative sexes (hermies, etc.), what is the probability I will have a garden of all females?

Barely scarped by in Stats.....


Well-Known Member
I let my mind lose on the couch the other day beneath some hash smoke when I had a question pop in my mind that some of you math guys could help me with.

Given that the chances for male/female sex are 50/50 and barring reverse or alternative sexes (hermies, etc.), what is the probability I will have a garden of all females?

Barely scarped by in Stats.....

I think you answered your own question.
1 plant 50%
2 plants 25%
4 plants 12.5%

and so on. But that is without hermies and such....



New Member
Barely scarped by in Stats.....

I can tell, that is ridiculous. Can't believe you passed it.

For one: 50%
for two: 50% * 50% = 25%
three 12.5%
four 6.75%
five 3.375%
and so on

BUT its unlikely that there is a 50/50 chance, for humans there are more females born than males.