Stealth Aerogarden Grow! Air in or out?


Active Member
The stealth box will hold 3 lowryder/lowlife plants in an aerogarden. I have a couple fans and really don't want two so whats more important, air in or out?


Well-Known Member
well its important that you have air air circulation. but you are also going to need to pull that hot air out of your box just use both


Active Member
air out is almost always better it takes stale air out and then just have a passive opening so it creates a vacuum and pulls fresh air in works great for my box


Active Member
my exhaust is a 4" 180 cfm connected to a home made 6" carbon scrubber keeps my box at 80 night and day with about a 3 inch passive intake the good thing about exhaust is if you have it at the right level it sucks the hot air out where as a intake can mix the air and push both cold and hot air out it can work no doubt tho the other thing would be if you do that you cant really hook up a carbon scrubber if smell is an issue


Active Member
Well the exhaust is in the back so if smell does become an issue i got that covered. My problem is, the box i used has a section missing out of one side. Its 1/2 * 16 inches.
im thinking about using a shoe box or somthing to block off the air and conect a hose and intake fan.

(iphone app "Sketchers"

