Stealth Cab Grow Design -- Input Appreciated!


Active Member
Hey, thanks for checking this out!

I'm planning my first grow and have the perfect cabinet for a nice stealth one. It's 4ft tall and 2ft wide and deep. I want to get feminized lowryder 2 and grow 2 plants at a time to keep it simple.

For lighting I'm either going to use 1x200w Envirolite (red spectrum) or 4x42w CFL.

I'll have 2 computer fans for exhaust in the top if necessary (I'd rather have 1, but need to keep temp down) and will drill 4 good sized holes in the bottom sides and back for intake ventilation.

I'll be growing in soil unless I can design a space-conserving hydro setup to fit inside.

My only questions are:
1) Is lowryder 2 a good strain for a stealth grow (I know it grows small but does it have a lot of odor? is there a better strain to get feminized for this type of stealth grow?)
2) Will 1 exhaust fan be enough or will I need 2?
3) Will 4 intake holes be enough (assuming they are all 1 inch in diameter)
4) Will I be better off with 1x200w Envirolite or 4x42w CFL for heat issues and maximum growth potential?

I have included a crude paint drawing to give an idea of what I'm talking about, A is the design with the 200w Envirolite and B is with 4x42w CFL, the middle drawing is what the outside will look like. (note: red circles are exhaust fans, blue circles are intake holes)

Thanks for looking, any and all feedback is appreciated, it is an evolving concept at this point, I just wanted to get my ideas out there for people to critique.


salad cigar

Active Member
hey there, i have just finished my similier growbox to yours
mine is 2ft wide 1.5ft deep and 4ft high.i have fitted a cheap 4" bathroom exhaust fan in the top.noy only will get rid of the old air,but also the heat off my 250mh light.i have cut a 3"x5" hole in the bottom of the box.i have done some tests and without an extra fan fitted inside(to keep air moving)i had about 78 f heat nad 55% only prob now is where the hell to fit the fan inside.i am even thinking to use another bathroom fan in the intake hole to bring fresh air in.also i am gonna try the scrog method.just waiting on 2 cuttings.
goodluck with your grow


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply.

Also to clear up confusion my exhaust fans weren't going to be on the top, as I will still be using this as a stealthy nightstand, the fans will be in the top corners of the back of the unit, I'm trying to keep it as normal looking as possible because I don't want my roommates to get suspicious.

And how big is your 250mh? I may use one of those if it can fit well and keep the heat down.

If you could can you post a pic of your cab unit so I can see if it's anything like how I want mine to turn out? Thanks!


Active Member
If you do start with 4 42w cfls, you will need to add a lot more light as the grow progresses. I managed to get a ounce from one plant with 7 20w, but it took !7 months! [my first grow :)]
Its definitely worth investing in a small HPS or another big envirolite [if u go enviro make sure to get the spectrum right, blue for veg red for flower]
exhaust and intake plans should be fine. try weatherproofing if you need to lightproof those annoying cracks around the door.
stealth cabs rule! gd luck


Active Member
if u go enviro make sure to get the spectrum right, blue for veg red for flower]
exhaust and intake plans should be fine.
If i can only get 1 enviro to start, because of some money constraints, which one should i get? Basically, which one will do a full grow better if I can't get the other, blue or red?

Also will I be fine with 1 exhaust fan or 2? and I don't need any intake fans if I just have a few decent holes right?

Sorry for all the questions, just planning my first grow and trying to tap all the resources I can. +rep for all the help so far!


Active Member
Still looking for any input or advice you guys have, I'll post pics when I build the stand and start working on it.

salad cigar

Active Member
sorry mate my camera is playing up,so no photos.
my light is an industrial one with the glass fitted.the unit is 2ft wide 1ft deep and 6" high,the balast and light are all is a close fit width ways in my box.i have a bathroom fan above it.was only going to have a hole cut in the bottom for air in,i am thinking now to use another bathroom fan to feed air in and also blow on the plants instead of a small desk top fan.hope to get my camera working soon.


Well-Known Member
If i can only get 1 enviro to start, because of some money constraints, which one should i get? Basically, which one will do a full grow better if I can't get the other, blue or red?

Also will I be fine with 1 exhaust fan or 2? and I don't need any intake fans if I just have a few decent holes right?

Sorry for all the questions, just planning my first grow and trying to tap all the resources I can. +rep for all the help so far!
if u are only able to get 1 enviro cfl get in blue (veg spectrum) because you'll need to use that for at least a month at this point anyways, by then you be able to get the other light for flowering (red). you should be fine with your one exhaust fan.. just throw a circulating fan inside ur cab to move some air around. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Bro,,Hey What's Up????,,,,,,,,Hate To Be The One To Tell You, But The Plant's In The Drawing Look A Little Over-Dunnnn:confused::confused::confused:HEHEHEHE

You Have A Good Plain!!!,,,,,,,Only Thing I Can See Is You Might Want To Add More Height To The Flowering Side????,,,,,,,Just My 2cent's,,,,,,,Best Of Luck!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
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Well-Known Member
its a solid idea that i think is possible... have you ever done anything like this before?

i dont see any mention of carbon - even with small plants, if you dont have carbon, they will smell really strong... anyone who is familiar with the scent would be able to smell it throughout the room the cabinet is in, and probably the adjacent rooms, too.

also - if you are going to do some lowryder, i would do more than 2 at a time... probably 4, because you pretty much just get the main cola of the plant with that kind of strain...

the screen is probably still a good idea, because you dont want to run out of vertical space or you cant fix it (easily)...

i'm using a space about 6' high x 7' wide x 3' deep with 2x 1KW with a screen. using regular strains i do 6 plants and they totally fill the screen, usually overfill it.

good luck