Stealth Cabinet


Active Member
basically like the one that im making, your set up is going to help alot thanks man, If u wana checkout mine its being built next week the thread is is my signature.



Active Member
Thank You.. I plan on growing 2 Blue Himayala Diesel Feminized once my order comes in from attitude. Happy Growings! :)


Active Member
I ordered them on december 10 and it says they dispatched it on the 12th so hopefully by jan. 1st i'll have them


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Once i get my Blue Himalyan Diesal seeds in I will update. Right now all I got is a bagseed im expirementing with in the box tryin to get everything right.Im battling a heat issue right now. Even with an exhaust fan my box temp is around 90-95 degrees and im tryin to somewhere in the 80's. As you can see from the pictures my bagseed plant has been burnt alittle and probley needs some nutrients. This is just to see how my box is working i plan on throwing this plant out once my BHD come in. I'll make a video later on in the weeks once i got everything 100%. Thank you for looking and staying intrested. Heres acouple new pictures.6 (12-24-2010).jpgBagseed In New Grow Box Day 21 (12-23-2010).jpgBagseed In New Grow Box Day 23 (12-25-2010).jpg


Active Member
looking good. What are you going to do to battle the heat? A couple options are to add another exhaust fan or I've heard of people putting frozen waterbottles in during the light cycle, apperently it works ok


Active Member
Yeah thats exactly what I was gonna do... :) The one thing I don't have is an intake fan with i need to add which i bet will drop it alot. I also have the light cycle on 20/4 at the moment so lights are not always on.


Active Member
Hey indo, heard that you seeds are here, still waiting for mine, have u planted them yet? what did u end up doing with that bag seed?


Active Member
Hey indo, heard that you seeds are here, still waiting for mine, have u planted them yet? what did u end up doing with that bag seed?
Hey tdog nice to see you still following :) I am flowering the bagseed at the moment and I want to throw it out so it does not harm my Blue Himayala Diesel but my bagseed is looking very nice right now so I gonna just probley move it to a friends. I am actually going to germinate the seeds today. I also updated my box once again. Take a look. Now I have an exhaust fan as well as a fan for the plant. Bagseed In New Grow Box Day 30 (1-2-2010).jpg10 (1-2-2010).jpg How is your box coming along tdog?


Active Member
Updated Once more. My Blue Himalaya Diesel is germinating right now so within the next few days I will have them planted and we will be on our way to a nice Blue Himalaya Diesel Stealth Grow. My Bagseed thats in the box as of now will stay in the box with the BHD because it was only in flower mode for 2 days, so ill switch it back to veg mode, I will let it get bigger and see what happens. Only started one BHD at the moment but will start germing another one 2 weeks into the BHD cycle. I want to fit 3 BHD's in 1 gallon buckets so it will all fit. Here are some updated pictures.13 (1-4-2011).jpgAttitude 5.jpgLooking Amazing.jpg In the first picture of my box this was taken before I put bucket under it to keep it closer to the light. The last picture is a Big Bud strain my friend is growing in his custom box. His plant has been vegging for 2 months and 1 week. The first month it was under HUGE amounts of stress that I can't even begin to explain but now in the last month it has blew up like an atomic bomb. Happy Growing to everyone in RIU! :)