Stealth techniques


Well-Known Member
Im attempting to make things quieter, so far its going well. Got the STR fan controller for the carbon filter and 140mm quiet pc fans (Air Flow
96.5 or 50.0 CMF/Noise 29.6 or 14.5 dBA with VRC) for a change. I have the pots on trays which collect any excess water into yet another pot (with bits of sponge to avoid the constant dripping sound). However, doing things with a watering can isnt the best and was looking for a super quiet pump which is reccommended by somebody at rollitup...there are too many too choose from that promise this (but dont sound quiet on youtube).

Im using soil, so could i get something like an inline pump, dunk it in the can which would be hooked up the tubes/drippers? Would this itself be even nosier?

Thoughts and opions please, Im new to this way so I dont know if there is an easier way which I have not thought of.

On a side note...if you have any stealthy em up!


Well-Known Member
nice one, which version do you have/how many plants can it water at the same time? Can you describe how you water/setup?

edit: Quiet operation - noise level less than 45 decibels
45 db seems a bit loud?


New Member
I used to use them for my aero/nft setup...the only thing I could here water sprinkling and when the pump first turned on
the last setup I used drip lines and I could only here it click on
Im sure you would be able to use it efficiently unless you have some major op going
here is a pic of the box,pardon the appearance,its oldpump 001.jpg